You're invited to participate in Big Trivia 2017!
When: Tuesday 14th March 6.30pm for 7pm start
Where: Bridgeview Hotel, 580 Willoughby Road, Willoughby, Sydney
Cost: A $20 donation per person (which will be donated for Brain Research)
RSVP by simply donating today!
Great prizes to be won.
Food and drinks can be purchased at the venue.
Across the country, Big Trivia events like this are helping raise greatly needed funds for Brain Research.
The Brain Foundation is a national registered charity dedicated to funding world-class research throughout Australia into brain and spine disorders and injuries.
Established by neurologists and neurosurgeons, the Brain Foundation funds merit-based, ground breaking research projects that aim to advance diagnoses, treatment and patient outcomes.
Chances are someone you know could be affected by one of these disorders.
Your donation could help fund the cure.
Please confirm your RSVP to this event with a donation.
I look forward to seeing you soon and thank you again for helping raise funds for this worthy cause!
Caroline Grundy