polycycstic ovarian syndrome

$0 raised

TARGET $10,000

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Hi I'm raising these funds because I haven't got enough money as I'm only on government payments and don't have a job and my partner has a sickness epilespy so I take care of him where looking at raising 10,000 in order to get money to have a ivf as it's quiet expensive I can't get this done its my dreams to become a parent but it's a sental mental health illness that's stopping my dreams from happening i always have a negative show up on a home pregnancy test it breaks my heart seeing other children and thinking that I want my own little family I'm very hurt and can't full pregnant easy as of my condition it is making me give up but deep down inside I don't want to give up I want to make this happen because I'm very good with children and they know that I have a heart and they can sense something in me that's why they are so attached to me but I want to have a child to call my own as I've got step daughters that I love dearly. I have all the conditions with pcos which makes me think overtime and plays on my mind all the time and I cry all the time.

Fundraising For

tegan smith

Hi I'm just doing a fundraiser for myself as I have polycycstic ovarian syndrome and it's a quite common disease that women get and its passed down on to children so one I've been diagnosed with this at the age of 10 years old I'm now 25 years old I've been trying to conceive but have no luck.

Funds Banked To

tegan smith


Campaign Creator

tegan smith

cloverdale , WA

Be the first to donate to this cause!

SINCE Dec 2016



$0 raised

TARGET $10,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

tegan smith

Hi I'm just doing a fundraiser for myself as I have polycycstic ovarian syndrome and it's a quite common disease that women get and its passed down on to children so one I've been diagnosed with this at the age of 10 years old I'm now 25 years old I've been trying to conceive but have no luck.

Funds Banked To

tegan smith


Campaign Creator

tegan smith

cloverdale , WA

SINCE Dec 2016

