I am the owner of two amazing girls - Casey (9 years old) and Shisha (3 years old). Both are border collies, both do dog sports (agility and obedience mainly). Shisha is becoming also a working dog (herding sheep). Unfortunately Shisha is experiencing hard times these days as she injured her leg.
Shisha is imported to the Czech Republic from the Netherlands. She was born in the FCI kennel called From Let's Border. When she was ready to leave her mother I took her home to Prague (CZE). She's my soulmate, I really love to work with her. Work with Shisha is sometimes also strange for me though - she is a way different from my second (oh, sorry the first:) ) BC! But it's surely an awesome ride! :)
Shisha has such a drive, power, zeal… She would have done.. whatever I think of. And Last, but not least, she can be a lovely, cute and gentle friend staying by my side <3 But now... she only has to lay down and can not do .. anything of what she loves in her life. What a heartbreak for me to see her suffering. :( She had an injury, to be concrete, she dislocated her shoulder. It was a big accident, no agility, no herding.. A simple usual day :(. We had a choice of two operations - arthrodesis (safer option but definite) or reconstruction of the shoulder (uncertain prognosis but a chance for a better life when successful). Due to the young age and the nature of Shisha we have decided to try the second option. There's a risk but we want to fight the destiny and try to make her happy in her life again! She is underwent the first surgery now. Her shoulder was reconstructed but we don't know yet what are the results.
We haven't any idea what amount of money will be enough for her treatment, rehabilitation.. etc. The first surgery was more than 20 000 Czk = approximately 800USD. The second surgery - if she will need it - will cost more than 25 000 Czk = 1000USD. Hydrotherapy 33 USD / every week. Veterinary inspection, massages, possibly Wobenzym... and so on. By now, we really don't know how high will be the final price frontier. I chose the 'Fundraising target' on 2500 USD and I really know this is so much money!
SO I MADE THE DECISION THAT ANY REMAINING MONEY (THOSE THAT REMAIN ME AND WILL NOT BE USED FOR A VETERINARY TREATMENT OF MY LITTLE SHISHA) WILL BE DONATED FOR THE CARE AND RUNNING COSTS TO THE SHELTER "VORISKOV". These people have the heart in the right place and help abandoned dogs in the asylum. More about their work on their website http://voriskov.cz/.
My dogs have a web site too -– see www.locolindo.cz. You will find there all the information about my girls, including their videos and photos. <3
Please, help us to give Shisha the biggest second chance! She's a young border collie who doesn't want to lie on the couch for the rest of her life :( Paypal acount is to a different name, heris owner is my boyfriend. If you want to send a picture of Shisha by e-mail or by post mail, please send me your address on locolindo.cz@gmail.com :)
Thank you a bunch for all your support! You cannot imagine what that means for me… I wish you and your dog friends all the best!