House of Hope is a village providing 24/7 care for abandoned and orphaned children as well as a School in Indonesia focused on caring for the needs of the disadvantaged of Indonesia & their Communities by Meeting the 4 basic needs of Children:
physical, emotional, educational & spiritual
Empowering children to become educated adults contributing back to the nation of Indonesia House of Hope provides assistance to families living in poverty See our website
A child is never turned away from House of Hope Village or the School no matter what their need is. The URGENT need is for School Buses to move the children from surrounding villages in a poverty stricken rural community to School and back each day. As the school is growing in popularity so is the pressure on being able to support the Community. Whilst the parents of the most of the children are paying a low School Fee due to their economic position this doesn't cover the cost of daily running. We exist because of generous donors who help fill the gap. We urgently need funds at this time for School Buses. There are more and more families realising this school will provide opportunities for their children to have a successful future and the pressure for buses is now urgent. Please help with this cause. Everything you donate is going direct to House of Hope at Aid Indonesia and will be used for this specific purpose. There is a set % fee which is paid to All other funds go direct to funding the buses. This is why I love this organisation because everything I donate goes straight to the cause. Please help me raise the funds required to obtain 3 School Buses. This will be helpful for years to come. The Goal is $100,000 AUD this allows for 3 Buses to be purchased in Indonesia, and will also assist with spare funds for Maintenance and Safety Equipment for the Buses.
Here is the ideal Bus See Photo = 22 seater non air con (not necessary ????) cost is 314.500.000 IDR which at today's Currency Conversion into AUD $31,318.17 and $24,044.37 USD for each Bus. Note we are aiming at 3 buses because this will also take care of some future growth as the Schools Education becomes more popular in the community and also 100,000 AUD will give some security for Maintenance as mentioned above. We know that having a good education these children will go forward and live a healthy and meaningful life and most will go forward to also give back. Win Win.... and this is what we really aim for. More Lives Lived, with Love, a full belly, and Quality Education.
Funds donated to the My cause Gift Fund will be disbursed to Aid Indonesia. The trustees will always disburse funds to the nominated cause, however in the case that that is not possible, the funds will be disbursed to a DGR charity at the trustees discretion.
Funds donated to the My cause Gift Fund will be disbursed to Aid Indonesia. The trustees will always disburse funds to the nominated cause, however in the case that that is not possible, the funds will be disbursed to a DGR charity at the trustees discretion.