Medical research to stop the human hurt without hurting animals

$10 raised
GOAL $100,000
1 donations
since Oct 2016


Are you a passionate person willing to share in our hope and vision for Australia’s first dedicated facility for animal free medical research?

To help this cause expand its presence we are seeking your help to be part of a campaign to raise $100,000 in order to further afford the public and the medical researcher CHOICE to be able to support or partake in animal free medical research. 

Imagine 1000 like-minded supporters taking a moment to donate $100 each - However, a $1 donation is no less important - But the challenge to reach 100,000 people will have greater dependence on people SHARING awareness of the campaign - Particularly via social media such as Facebook – As such, we also humbly ask that you spread the word and encourage your friends and contacts to additionally consider helping this cause for CHANGE THROUGH CHOICE.

In addition to this campaign we will develop other fundraising campaigns that will focus on supporting research projects such as our founding research theme child cancer neuroblastoma and also our needs for research premises/equipment.

Funds raised with this campaign will enhance the necessary core infrastructure that our charity needs in order to expand our presence and position for research performance; i.e. the funds will be used over a period of 12 months to pay for administrative support.  This is an essential responsibility / obligation to meet compliance and best practice standards demanded from the public and officials.

We are fully aware of expectations for us (or any charity) to be efficient with public derived funds. However, the costs associated with fundraising and the expenses associated with administration responsibilities / obligations are a reality. To counter/compensate this negatively perceived situation our plan is to eventually apply revenue not derived from public fundraising against these costs/expenses in order to drive a fundraising yield that is 100% efficient; for example, applying corporate sponsorship and fee proceeds from external scientific review services. 

The following shows some examples of the targeted fundraising and revenue raising initiatives and how they will be applied:

Donations: Research campaigns $500,000 - Applied to research projects (i.e. research consumables and research scholarship/wage) and scientific premises/equipment.

Donations: Core administration campaigns $100,000 - Applied to external accounting & legal fees, premises & furniture, postage & shipping, information and communication technology, core admin staff wages, etc.

Raffles: Research & Administration campaigns $40,000 – Applied to science communication, (e.g. conference, awards & prize) & science/research administration.

Grants: Science/research $100,000 minimum - Applied to scientific premise/equipment and research project consumables/wages.

Sponsorship: Corporate campaigns $100,000 - Applied to compensate admin expense & fundraising cost plus, other miscellaneous expenses that need not be research/science related (e.g. equipment for volunteers and their out of pocket expense such as travel/refreshment.

Fee for service proceeds: External scientific review $50,000 - Applied to compensate admin expense & fundraising cost; plus miscellaneous travel expenses, honorarium payments, seed funding new initiatives and ventures, etc.

$10 raised
GOAL $100,000
1 donations
since Oct 2016
Fundraising for
Lighthouse Laboratories
Mission: Medical research to stop the human hurt without hurting animals. Vision: Enabling the public & the medical research worker to be able to exercise choice to support or partake in animal free medical research. Research: Founding theme child cancer neuroblastoma – will expand themes/programs

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