Help With Cremation and Memorial Service For Lisa Cushman

$0 raised

TARGET $5,000

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Lisa Cushman passed away on 09/06/2016 from a stroke that caused an excessive amount of swelling on her brain. She was in ICU for two days, and she has always said she did not want to be hooked up to machines to survive that if it came down to it to just let her go so she could be at peace and rest and not suffer from pain.Her father had to make a big decision to keep her on life support or to grant her with her request of not being hooked to machines to survive. The doctors told him that the swelling on her brain from stroke had increased and that they had done all that they could for her and the only thing keeping Lisa alive was the machines. He spent a few hours with her, kissed her on her forehead told her he loved her and then he had the doctors take her off of the machines so that she would no longer suffer. Lisa was in her thirties and had one child. Her death was sudden and unexpected She did not have any life insurance and with the cost of cremation and memorial services and other related expenses, her family could use any donations that you can spare. Lisa left behind a son that is living with her father, and he could use support and help with expenses as well to help care for her son even though he is the type of person that would not ask for help. All donations are greatly appreciated, and if you're unable to help, please keep The Cushman’s in your prayers and thoughts.

Fundraising For


Death of a family member who did not have life insurance. Need help with cremation, memorial, and other related expenses.

Funds Banked To

Campaign Creator

Amanda Clayton


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SINCE Sep 2016



$0 raised

TARGET $5,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For


Death of a family member who did not have life insurance. Need help with cremation, memorial, and other related expenses.

Funds Banked To

Campaign Creator

Amanda Clayton


SINCE Sep 2016

