Unique Grandstands

$0 raised

TARGET $150,000

Please support this cause



I have mortgaged my house and worked, along with supporting my family. We are so close to finishing, we have looked at alternatives to try and borrow money, to date we have been unsuccessful. We heard about CrowdFunding as I am prepared to give anything a go to get this portable grandstand up and running. This great invention will benefit our local communities, Australia and potentially World Wide by having the best portable seating to view events from in the world. I have been researching and building a prototype for what is soon to be known as The Transformer. This fully hydraulic 508 seat portable grandstand folds down onto 1 semi trailer, towed by a truck. With only 8 hours to set-up, and 8 hours to dismantle, it simply needs 2 operators to see it come to life, and then it is ready to transport again. It's like nothing in it's class. This scale of seating is only accessible via scaffolding which is much more expensive and time consuming to erect and dismantle. The beauty of this invention is that is compacts onto a semi trailer, it is erected from and around the trailer, the hydraulically folds back onto the trailer and its ready to go to it next event.

Fundraising For

Ross McCarthy

Looking to raise money to finish an unfinished project that is 20 years in the making. This has been completely financed to this point but unfortunately finances are lacking and we are looking for your support. 90% finished your support will go towards Engineering and Publicity.

Funds Banked To

Ross James McCarthy


Campaign Creator

Ross McCarthy

Cumnock, NSW

Be the first to donate to this cause!

SINCE Aug 2016



$0 raised

TARGET $150,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Ross McCarthy

Looking to raise money to finish an unfinished project that is 20 years in the making. This has been completely financed to this point but unfortunately finances are lacking and we are looking for your support. 90% finished your support will go towards Engineering and Publicity.

Funds Banked To

Ross James McCarthy


Campaign Creator

Ross McCarthy

Cumnock, NSW

SINCE Aug 2016

