Izabel's Journey

$365 raised

TARGET $50,000

Please support this cause



Izabel Skye Sullivan is my beautiful, funny, happy, caring, kind, cheeky 4 year old Niece.

Recently, my sister who lives in Perth, and her family received the most devastating news, Izabel was diagnosed with a brain tumour called medulloblastoma, which is a high grade malignant tumour.

The tumour was removed and a permanent shunt was put into her brain to remove fluid and pressure. Unfortunately, Izabel suffered a stroke and seizures during this process, which has been extremely upsetting to see.

She has just started a very long journey to have 6 weeks of aggressive radiation and months of chemotherapy. The doctors have said this is going to be a life long fight.

My daughter Hannah and I flew to Australia to be with Izabel and her family through the initial weeks supporting them in any way we could. It was heartbreaking to see Izabel so ill. She has two sisters and a brother at home who are all understandably terrified for their baby sister.

Izabel's father Adam has had to leave his job so he can be at the hospital with my sister Zoe & Izabel and also care for her siblings at home as there are no other immediate family living in Australia.

Izabel cannot eat, walk or talk yet and it's uncertain whether she can see. She has some movement in her arms and legs, and has been trying to move her head. She has even managed to smile lately and giggles when we tickle her.

No one, let alone a parent should ever have to face this traumatic ordeal.

Izabel is fighting for her life , but she is strong. We are hopeful she will end this journey and remain the happy, caring, kind, funny, cheeky girl that she is.

As a family we are devastated and urge anyone to please, if they can, donate any amount, no matter how small to help my sister and her family financially through this journey. Izabel will require life long care after the treatment and will need specialist equipment to help with her care. The home will need to be modified and they will need a car with wheelchair hoist.

Any amount would be so gratefully received.

We hope and pray Izabel can one day write her own thank you letters to everyone who can support this fund. Xxx

Fundraising For

Izabel Sullivan

Izabel, my beautiful 7 year old warrior princess niece was diagnosed with medulloblastoma brain cancer when she was just 4! Her journey has been and still Is a long one. She has fought hard and continues to fight everyday with a smile on her face she lights every room she enters. pls share x

Funds Banked To

Izabel Skye Sullivan

Campaign Creator

Louise Jones

Clarkson, WA

Mon, 14 Aug 2017

Lauren McCready

$ 30
Tue, 8 Aug 2017

Louise Jones

$ 210
Mon, 26 Jun 2017

Corinne Campbell

$ 100

Love you all, Ebony & Corinne XX

Wed, 18 Jan 2017


$ 25

So glad Izi is through the chemo. Delighted the MRI was clear. There is still a long journey ahead still. You are an amazing family. xx

SINCE May 2016



$365 raised

TARGET $50,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Izabel Sullivan

Izabel, my beautiful 7 year old warrior princess niece was diagnosed with medulloblastoma brain cancer when she was just 4! Her journey has been and still Is a long one. She has fought hard and continues to fight everyday with a smile on her face she lights every room she enters. pls share x

Funds Banked To

Izabel Skye Sullivan

Campaign Creator

Louise Jones

Clarkson, WA

SINCE May 2016

