Tarick's 50km Ride for Research

$2,840 raised

TARGET $5,000

Please support this cause



My name is Tarick Biddlecombe Sullivan, I am 9 years old and live in Darwin, Australia. I want to help my Mum raise money to fund research for a very rare cancer she was diagnosed with called Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma (EHE)

I am hosting a fundraiser for mum, a 50km ride, from Adelaide River to Batchelor down Old Coach Road dressed as Boba Fett from Star Wars on Saturday 18th June 2016.
My mum saved up for a year and bought a 3-wheel recumbent bike off Gumtree, I hope that she will join me in this event. Next year I plan on doing a 100km ride, just testing the water this year to see if mum can ride 50km. It will be a challenge for me, but I want to push myself in honour of my mum.

My mum and I used to regularly go on off road bike rides together. In September 2014 she was in so much pain she couldn’t even get on her bike. She thought it was a pulled muscle but it turned out to be a very rare tumour on her bones and lungs.

My mum had to have chemotherapy and radiation and during this time she was really sad because we couldn’t go on bike rides together anymore. Even going for a walk was hard. But things have gotten better since she finished. Her hair has grown back and she is able to walk easily again. I still help her do things around the house; she said it is hard to bend over and pick up toys. Not sure I believe her.

I hope you can donate some money to help find a cure for my mum’s cancer and to help other people so they don’t have to go through what my mum went through.

Thank you, Tarick Biddlecombe Sullivan

Hi, Jane here ?
I am so proud of Tarick for coming up with such a great idea to host this event on my behalf. We were talking one day in March, anxiously awaiting delivery of my 3-wheel recumbent bike when he came up with the idea. We were Star Wars mad at that time hence the idea of riding in costumes.

Any donations are tax deductible – visit my Foundations website to find out more. www.ehefoundation.com.au

The last 20 years has seen no real improvement in the treatment or survival rates of rare cancers, this is a direct result of lack of funding.
Whilst the media lead us to believe that a cure for cancer is just around the corner, this is not so for rare cancers. Without vital funding for research we will not be able to successfully learn about

? Prevention
? Diagnosis and prognosis
? Treatment

A growing trend is emerging that shows more people are being diagnosed with rare cancers than ever before. Even common cancers such as breast, lung, melanoma and prostate cancers can be classified as rare once they are classified according to specific molecular mutations. This explains why some patients respond well to treatments and others do not.

Research into rare cancers / sarcomas may unravel the mysteries currently eluding researchers into understanding more common cancers.

There is only one researcher, Dr Brian Rubin MD PhD researching EHE. He is a world renowned pathologist and medical researcher based at the Cleveland Clinic. In 2013 he made an important breakthrough and identified the specific gene fusion associated with EHE and is now actively developing EHE cell lines that can be used to support further research into EHE. EHE receives no funding and so far breakthroughs in EHE have been funded by patients, family and friends.

I'm raising funds for


EHE Rare Cancer Foundation

The EHE Rare Cancer Foundation (Australia) seeks to promote the control and prevention of Rare Cancer, Sarcoma, and Vascular Tumours including Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma.

About Fundraiser

Jane Biddlecombe

Nightcliff, NT

Mon, 27 Jun 2016

Michael Caraher

$ 30

You're a hero Tarick! Well done!

Thu, 23 Jun 2016


$ 50
Thu, 23 Jun 2016

Jo Pattinson

$ 50

Well done, you should be really proud xx Jo Pattinson

Thu, 23 Jun 2016


$ 50

Well done mate!!

Thu, 23 Jun 2016

Antonella Rowse

$ 40

Well Done Tarick. You're awesome like your mamma xoxo

Thu, 16 Jun 2016

Jenny Shipley

$ 50

So proud of you and for what you are doing for your mum and all of the EHE family

Thu, 16 Jun 2016

Rebecca Sirilas

$ 50

Good on you Tarick - I will be there to support you and mum on Saturday, driving your support car. Best of luck - lots of love, your Aunty/Godmother Bexta xx

Tue, 7 Jun 2016

Robyn jones

$ 100

Good luck Tarick! We are so proud of you! Robyn and Chloe Jones

Tue, 7 Jun 2016

Samantha Wright-Downs

$ 70

Tarrick what a gorgeous boy you are.... well come and c u ride.... Luv from Paddy, Ellie and me

Sun, 5 Jun 2016

Steven Dunn

$ 50

Hi Tarick, The 501st Legion is a Star Wars costuming group, dedicated to helping charity and our community. Whilst we do not have any members in the Northern Territory (yet!) our Garrison, Terror Australis Garrison looks after any future members which may arise in NT. We saw your story, the photo of you in your costume caught our eye! We are amazed at the efforts you are going to, to help your Mum. That is truly what we are all about, helping others and a love for all things Star Wars, you will make a great member of the 501st one day! Some of our members attended a Birthday Party on the weekend, as our group does not accept payment, only charitable donations, we would like to give our donation to help you. On behalf of the Desert Scorpion Squad of WA, we hope you reach your goal, give your mum a big hug from us, and keep on trooping little man! We can't wait to see the photos! May the Force be with You. Liz Shord Squad Leader 501st Legion - Desert Scorpion Squad.

SINCE May 2016



$2,840 raised

TARGET $5,000

Please support this cause


I'm raising funds for


EHE Rare Cancer Foundation

The EHE Rare Cancer Foundation (Australia) seeks to promote the control and prevention of Rare Cancer, Sarcoma, and Vascular Tumours including Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma.

About Fundraiser

Jane Biddlecombe

Nightcliff, NT

SINCE May 2016

