Cambodian Schools Project

$1,030 raised

TARGET $2,000

Please support this cause



Two in every 10 Cambodians are living in poverty, this means surviving off less than $1 a day. The Cambodian Schools Project aims to educate poor children in rural areas of Cambodia to help them survive. Since 2002 they have built four schools that hold over 2,000 students, not nearly enough space. Each year the project aims to buy the schools resources and a uniform (often their only set of clothes). One of the schools has been built as a tech school where young adults go to learn life skills and trades in order to make money and support their families out of famine.

Year 10 Health students from Manor Lakes College are raising money for these schools in Cambodia as part of their whole class project to assist other communities in need of an increased life expectancy. I will be heading to Cambodia with the money raised in June to present to the principals of two of these schools. They will receive half of the fundraising in cash and the other half will be used to buy resources such as pencils, books, sporting equipment and clothes for the children and if we get enough money, a laptop/ computer for the tech school.

The students in the class are committed to this cause and will be giving up time in their holidays to communicate and share knowledge and experiences over Skype with students in these Cambodian schools. The aim is that the Manor Lakes students will develop a sense of community and develop into global citizens with an attitude of collective responsibility for human populations all over the world. Please contribute to a worthy cause and assist the year 10 class to achieve their goals.

Fundraising For

Abby Graham - Cambodian Schools Project

Two schools in Cambodia that are struggling financially and have high absenteeism. One school is of primary aged students who are gaining a basic education and only own one item of clothing. The other is for young adults who are learning trades to get jobs and support their families out of famine

Funds Banked To

Miss Abby Graham

Campaign Creator

Abby Graham

Werribee, VIC

Thu, 9 Jun 2016

Teighan Pathe-Gilmore

$ 5

Hey ab! I hope you have an amazing time going to the school in Cambodia and helping out! You have an amazing heart!

Thu, 2 Jun 2016


$ 50
Wed, 1 Jun 2016

Fix and Fasten Team

$ 250

Hi Teri and Abbey, Fantastic initiative, good luck and safe travels. Regards Fix and Fasten Team.

Thu, 26 May 2016

Jamie Conway

$ 25

Well Done Terri & Abby, The school will be very happy for all your efforts . Proud of you both.

Tue, 24 May 2016

Brydon Coles

$ 80

Great work girls!!!

Mon, 23 May 2016


$ 150
Fri, 20 May 2016

Kayley Nash

$ 25

Great cause. Happy to help

Thu, 19 May 2016

Essie Jansen

$ 25
Thu, 19 May 2016

Ivan Lawrie

$ 100

Have a good trip Teri!

Thu, 19 May 2016

Mario Cisternas

$ 50

Good Luck :)

SINCE Apr 2016



$1,030 raised

TARGET $2,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Abby Graham - Cambodian Schools Project

Two schools in Cambodia that are struggling financially and have high absenteeism. One school is of primary aged students who are gaining a basic education and only own one item of clothing. The other is for young adults who are learning trades to get jobs and support their families out of famine

Funds Banked To

Miss Abby Graham

Campaign Creator

Abby Graham

Werribee, VIC

SINCE Apr 2016

