Disabled equipment

$6,900 raised

TARGET $40,000

Please support this cause



I am fundraising for Graeme as his wife and full time carer which leaves me unable to work. We have depleted any retirement funds on home modifications. Since then, the disease has progressed very aggressively. Items we desperately need now, disabled van for wheelchair transport, disabled bathroom, electric wheelchair and mobile hoist. The condition will worsen and doctors have now abandoned all treatment. If these items are not purchased I will have no choice than to place Graeme in very expensive full time care at age 59. His mental health will be seriously affected, also not good for MS. He should be allowed to live at home with the people who love him, not in a clinical care facility.

Fundraising For

Graeme Whyman

Essential equipment for a severely disabled man with MS who can no longer work or support himself.

Funds Banked To

Graeme Whyman

Campaign Creator

Tanya Whyman

Bega, NSW

Fri, 27 May 2016


$ 75
Thu, 19 May 2016

Kerrie and Mark Develyn

$ 100

Thinking of you all. Praying people will donate even just a few dollars so Graeme can be with his family xx

Tue, 10 May 2016

Lauren Dawson

$ 60

Graeme and Tanya, I really hope you reach your fund-raising target. I admire you're tenacity to keep fighting and to keep Graeme at home where he wants to be.

Sat, 7 May 2016

Amanda McGlenchy

$ 100

Keep up your amazing fight for funding for this terrible disease. You all inspire us!! Tanya, you are courageous and strong.. Your love and devotion to Graeme and his right to be in his home and cared for is admirable. It is so obvious how much you love your husband and your beautiful children!! Graeme, you too are courageous and your story has touched me. You face physical struggles that most of us can not begin to imagine. I wish for you to have as much time at home as you can with the good karma of your hard working years returned to you in the way of compassion, understanding and funding from the government. You are a beautiful family and despite some people turning their backs on you and critiquing your every effort to make a difference, you should know there are far more of us in awe of all of you. I wish I could give more to you. Thinking of you always xxxxxxx

Fri, 6 May 2016

Charanjit Kaur

$ 50

No one should be separated from the people they love. You deserve to be with your family.

Thu, 5 May 2016


$ 30
Thu, 5 May 2016


$ 10
Wed, 4 May 2016


$ 50
Wed, 4 May 2016


$ 10
Wed, 4 May 2016

Vera Rays

$ 300

Thinking of you all and hope you reach your target. Hugs Vera and Guy Rays

SINCE Apr 2016



$6,900 raised

TARGET $40,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Graeme Whyman

Essential equipment for a severely disabled man with MS who can no longer work or support himself.

Funds Banked To

Graeme Whyman

Campaign Creator

Tanya Whyman

Bega, NSW

SINCE Apr 2016

