
2016 Postie Bike Challenge

$1,614 raised

TARGET $2,000

Please support this cause

That time of the year is approaching fast!! On the 20th - 24th October myself and a number of other riders will be starting in Melbourne and riding 2,000kms through VIC and NSW regional areas and return to Melbourne stopping through towns spreading the Bridge Builder message!

Bridge builders is a non government organisation dedicated to changing the lives of young people meaning we rely solely on donations and fundraising through events like this one in order to change the lives of more and more young people we need to raise as much as possible,so no amount is to big or small!

The Postie bike challenge is VERY special to me as it was my first ever BB event,it grew me greatly, changed the way i saw myself and taught me that i could achieve things i never thought imaginable with a massive amount of support from the other riders and support crew.
Last year we had 5 amazing riders and support crew, this year we are have around 13 signed up

If riding is not your thing but you would still like to show your support why not do so with a donation help me reach my target! and help me give back to the organisation that literally saved/changed my life! :) :)

for more info- http://bridgebuilders.com.au/
<3 <3 <3

Fundraising For


Bridge Builders Ltd

Bridge Builders Ltd is a National, not-for-profit youth organisation, delivering youth services around Australia. As a charity, we don’t receive any government funding for the youth services that we provide and we rely solely on Business Partnership, events and our dedicated volunteers.

Sun, 30 Oct 2016


$ 9
Wed, 19 Oct 2016


$ 5
Wed, 19 Oct 2016

Doug Gray

$ 300
Wed, 19 Oct 2016

Patsi Boddison

$ 300
Tue, 18 Oct 2016

Robyn Whitehead

$ 15

Here's some more money so you could reach $1000 :-) Half way there!!

Wed, 5 Oct 2016

Bonnie Knight

$ 10
Tue, 9 Aug 2016

Ella Hodge

$ 20

Good Luck ! You going to do amazing

Tue, 9 Aug 2016


$ 100
Tue, 2 Aug 2016

Adele Braun

$ 50

Can't wait to hear how you go!! :) xx

Thu, 28 Jul 2016


$ 100

CREATOR Naomi Boddison-Gray

SINCE Mar 2016



50% raised

$1,614 raised

TARGET $2,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For


Bridge Builders Ltd

Bridge Builders Ltd is a National, not-for-profit youth organisation, delivering youth services around Australia. As a charity, we don’t receive any government funding for the youth services that we provide and we rely solely on Business Partnership, events and our dedicated volunteers.

CREATOR Naomi Boddison-Gray

SINCE Mar 2016



50% raised