Shoes for planet earth

$30 raised

TARGET $10,000

Please support this cause



Shoes for Planet Earth collects recycled running shoes from the community and gives them to the homeless and needy throughout Australia and around the world at no cost. Please donate so that we can store & send your shoes to those in need. Thank you!

I'm raising funds for

My Cause Gift Fund for Shoes for Planet Earth

Funds donated to the My cause Gift Fund will be disbursed to Shoes for Planet Earth. The trustees will always disburse funds to the nominated cause, however in the case that that is not possible, the funds will be disbursed to a DGR charity at the trustees discretion.


About Fundraiser

Runner's Tribe

Hornsby, NSW

Fri, 26 Feb 2016

Shoes for Planet Earth

$ 30

SINCE Feb 2016



$30 raised

TARGET $10,000

Please support this cause


I'm raising funds for

My Cause Gift Fund for Shoes for Planet Earth

Funds donated to the My cause Gift Fund will be disbursed to Shoes for Planet Earth. The trustees will always disburse funds to the nominated cause, however in the case that that is not possible, the funds will be disbursed to a DGR charity at the trustees discretion.

About Fundraiser

Runner's Tribe

Hornsby, NSW

SINCE Feb 2016

