EGFHG Needs a Digital Scanner

$20 raised
GOAL $20,000
1 donations
since Nov 2015

We need your help to raise $20,000.00 to purchase a Digital Microfiche/film reader.

We have in excess of 18,000 microfiche and only very rudimentary access to their content.

We have tried applying for grants. Unsuccessfully!

Throughout East Gippsland there are many historical and family history groups who are, like us, are unable to properly utilise this valuable resource. We all work together so a donation to purchase a Digital Microfiche/film reader for East Gippsland Family History Group is a donation for the benefit of many groups throughout Eastern Victoria

$20 raised
GOAL $20,000
1 donations
since Nov 2015
Fundraising for
East Gippsland Family History Group
EGFHG is a dynamic family history group dedicated to researching, collecting and preserving the cultural heritage of East Gippsland and beyond. We are located at 21 Morgan Street. Bairnsdale. 3875 You are invited to visit out websites and

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