Saving the Endangered Mahogany Glider

$100 raised

TARGET $10,000

Please support this cause



The Mahogany Glider Recovery Team is raising funds to address threats to the endangered Mahogany Glider, one of Australia's most threatened mammals. Funding will help deliver on the Mahogany Glider recovery plan and will include actions such as;

- Installation of wildlife friendly fencing to prevent entanglement in barbed
- Revegetation of priority corridors to allow glider to move between patches
of habitat
- Implementation of appropriate fire regimes to control sclerophyll thickening
and prevent habitat degradation
- Establishment of glider pole arrays to help gliders cross wide roads and
other open spaces
- Weed control to reduce woody thickening so the gliders can move easily
between trees
- Monitoring and on-going data collection so that the impact of on-ground
actions can be measured
- Development of educational materials for schools and the community to
raise awareness for the Mahogany Glider

Fundraising For

Mahogany Glider Recovery Team

The Mahogany Glider is endangered and one of Australia's most threatened mammals. The Mahogany Glider is at serious risk of further decline so funds raised will contribute to immediate and on-going management of this species and its habitat.

Funds Banked To

WPSQ Cassowary Coast – Hinchinbrook Branch

Campaign Creator

Mahogany Glider Recovery Team

Innisfail , QLD

Thu, 10 Sep 2015

Liz Downes

$ 100

Mahogany gliders are among the most precious jewels of our natural heritage. They have hung on through so much change and disaster, we must keep them safe while we continue the long process of making their world fit to live in once more.

SINCE Sep 2015



$100 raised

TARGET $10,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Mahogany Glider Recovery Team

The Mahogany Glider is endangered and one of Australia's most threatened mammals. The Mahogany Glider is at serious risk of further decline so funds raised will contribute to immediate and on-going management of this species and its habitat.

Funds Banked To

WPSQ Cassowary Coast – Hinchinbrook Branch

Campaign Creator

Mahogany Glider Recovery Team

Innisfail , QLD

SINCE Sep 2015

