
$520 raised

TARGET $2,000

Please support this cause



Dear Reader,

My name is Clarence Harré. I dream in every sleeping moment about, and act in every waking one towards, becoming an exchange student. Rotary has accepted me, placing me in Austria from Jan. 2016 until Jan. 2017. Now that my dream is tangible, the only thing in my way is financing.

I have been self-funding as much as possible, but until a month ago I was unemployed due to the lack of jobs available where I live. As such, I moved towards fundraising. Within my school, the Student Representative Council (of which I am a member) sold chocolates - the proceeds I have yet to see however. I am still in the process of selling raffle tickets for a major draw in December (over $1500 in prizes donated by local businesses). I do any odd job I can get, such as minding my neighbors, pets while they are away, mowing lawns, building retaining walls etc.

My relatives have been really supportive, and I love them for it, as well as those who aren't even related to me but still contributed to my dream.

To all those who have donated their time reading my blog, and their support to help move me closer to my dream - I thank you immensely. To all those who can spare anything, as simple as a dollar, which is a quarter of a cup of coffee my trip, my experience, which I will share through my blog, will be because of you. You will change my life, and allow me to change the lives of others positively.

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Fundraising For

Clarence Harre

My name is Clarence Harré. I dream in every sleeping moment, and act in every waking one, about being an exchange student. Rotary has accepted me, placing me in Austria from Jan. 2016 until Jan. 2017. Now that my dream is tangible, the only thing in my way is financing

Funds Banked To

Clarence Harre


Campaign Creator

Clarence Harré to Austria

Mullaway, NSW

Wed, 21 Oct 2015

Shelly Parer

$ 50

This year will change your life in so many ways.. It is an amazing opportunity for you - Enjoy!

Thu, 13 Aug 2015

Liza Kathopoulis

$ 100

Good Luck Clarence. An amazing opportunity awaits you. Macy, Stella and Effie! X

Fri, 10 Jul 2015

Yvonne Pemberton

$ 200

Good luck Clarence, lovely picture, you will love Sweden xxx

Sun, 28 Jun 2015


$ 2
Fri, 26 Jun 2015

Barb and Stephen King

$ 50

Great opportunity Clarence, we wish you well in all your endeavours and achievements.

Thu, 25 Jun 2015

Jeremy Weinman

$ 100

What a great achievement Clarence! ... An exchange in Sweden - you will have such an amazing experience. Very proud of you.

Thu, 25 Jun 2015

Karen Reid

$ 18

Clarence, something to get you started with this fundraiser to help you go over to Sweden with Rotary's exchange program. I am sorry it's not much. I will help you out more when and as I can. Good luck and wishing you all the very best on this big adventure of yours. May it be all that you hoped for and so much more. Much love to as always, Mum. Xoox

SINCE Jun 2015



$520 raised

TARGET $2,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Clarence Harre

My name is Clarence Harré. I dream in every sleeping moment, and act in every waking one, about being an exchange student. Rotary has accepted me, placing me in Austria from Jan. 2016 until Jan. 2017. Now that my dream is tangible, the only thing in my way is financing

Funds Banked To

Clarence Harre


Campaign Creator

Clarence Harré to Austria

Mullaway, NSW

SINCE Jun 2015

