
Pledge for Earthquake Victims in Nepal

$4,360 raised

TARGET $8,000

Please support this cause

As most of you all know by now, Nepal has been hit by 7.9 rector scale earthquake along with almost 100 other earthquakes (some going upto 7.3) and counting. Centuries old UN heritage sites down to rubble, avalanche in the himalayas, landslides in the hills and entire villages wiped out. Death toll currently is around 8500 and going up fast. Search and rescue and getting the basic needs to those in desperate need will be a struggle in an already geographically challenging country. I ask you to try and dig deep and donate generously. Please share.

A little about the club:
Lions Club of Sydney Nepal Himalaya (Reg: INC9894140) was established in 2009 and comprises of Nepalese ex-pats living in the Sydney area. The club has been involved in various charity events; both in Nepal and Australia. From raising funds for QLD flood victims in 2009 to running water projects in remote villages in Nepal, the club works with various organisations and is involved in all spectrum of charity work.

Our reach to the local lions clubs in the affected areas means, we can co-ordinate and collaborate with them to carry out programs to deliver the basic needs to the needy. Lions Club International aids have hit the ground in Nepal and so have some of our club members. (https://www.facebook.com/lionsaustralia) These include basic supplies like food, water, blankets, tents, flashlights, medical supplies, etc. They are being rushed to local lions clubs in affected areas. The rest of the aids will go in different lots and we are looking at sanitation and hygiene needs along with additional supplies and rehabilitative efforts.

Bucket collections are underway across Sydney and our teams are busy at work!

Fundraising For

Anoj Shrestha

Nepal, one of the poorest countries in the world have just been hit by over two dozens of earthquakes; the biggest one going upto 7.9 rector scales. Everyday life is already hard enough in the geographically challenged country that just came out of civil war a few years ago. Please help!

Tue, 12 May 2015

Imraz Khan

$ 100
Mon, 11 May 2015

Doreen Khan

$ 30

Good Luck Anoj :)

Sat, 9 May 2015

Kris Delves

$ 200
Fri, 8 May 2015

taste baguette ( shushank pandey )

$ 1650

We collected this money at workplace,so, Can you pls send me one letter of appreciation for 'Taste Baguette, syd uni' .. thank you

Thu, 7 May 2015

Kurt Kennedy

$ 200
Thu, 7 May 2015

Andrea Boyd

$ 100

God bless!

Thu, 7 May 2015

Matt Nesbit

$ 50

Good luck Anoj hope you reach your goal!

Thu, 7 May 2015

Robert Muir

$ 20

Great Cause

Thu, 7 May 2015

Paaras Kaushik

$ 30
Thu, 7 May 2015

Sushan Koirala

$ 30

CREATOR Lions Club of Sydney Nepal Himalaya

SINCE Apr 2015



50% raised
20+ donations

$4,360 raised

TARGET $8,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Anoj Shrestha

Nepal, one of the poorest countries in the world have just been hit by over two dozens of earthquakes; the biggest one going upto 7.9 rector scales. Everyday life is already hard enough in the geographically challenged country that just came out of civil war a few years ago. Please help!

CREATOR Lions Club of Sydney Nepal Himalaya

SINCE Apr 2015



50% raised
20+ donations