Support the Grayson Kids

$120 raised

TARGET $5,000

Please support this cause



My dad has become a single parent to us five kids. He has quit his job to be a stay at home dad and needs help keeping us kids in clothes and food.

I'm 18 months old and my brothers and sisters are six to 12 years old. My dad, brothers and sisters have been through an emotional roller coaster.

Sadly mum hasn't stuck with medical and psychiatric help and has abandoned us.

We have all been extremely distraught and confused and just want a loving, stable home. Dad has always been a good provider holding a good solid job as a concreter. But he has had to quit his job to be a stay at home dad to look after me, take the other kids to school, clean and cook for us and all that stuff parents have to do.

Dad needs help to pay the rent, electricity, clothing and put food on the table for us all each week, as well as pay for a car to run us around.

I don't want to ask for too much, he just needs enough money to get in front of the bills and give him a bit of a head start so he isn't so stressed.

My dad doesn't know that my Aunty and I are trying to raise some funds to help him out.

Any donation no matter how small will all be greatly appreciated and an especially nice surprise for my dad.

Thanks heaps,

James and Aunty Fiona

Fundraising For

Mark J Grayson

My name is James and dad has become a single parent to us five kids. Mum has left us because she is sick from drugs and other stuff. Dad has quit his job to be a stay at home dad and he needs help to keep all us kids in clothes, food, schooling, keep a roof over our heads and all that stuff.

Funds Banked To

Fiona Grayson

Campaign Creator

Support us Kids

Wynnum, QLD

Thu, 2 Apr 2015

Tony Hajjar

$ 100
Sun, 29 Mar 2015


$ 20

SINCE Mar 2015



$120 raised

TARGET $5,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Mark J Grayson

My name is James and dad has become a single parent to us five kids. Mum has left us because she is sick from drugs and other stuff. Dad has quit his job to be a stay at home dad and he needs help to keep all us kids in clothes, food, schooling, keep a roof over our heads and all that stuff.

Funds Banked To

Fiona Grayson

Campaign Creator

Support us Kids

Wynnum, QLD

SINCE Mar 2015

