Continuous Glucose Monitor for Talon

$1,850 raised

TARGET $2,500

Please support this cause



Talon was admitted to hospital on the 9th July 2014, where he was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. He was only 31/2 years old.

Talon was triaged as “Batman” because that’s who he is known as to his family and friends. Over the following four days during his stay in hospital, all the hospital staff referred to Talon as Batman. He is such a brave little boy.

So the daily regime of finger pricks and insulin injections had now begun. Talon has a high sensitivity to insulin so his hypos were frequent and rebound hypers were just as frequent. His levels were erratic so when his mum Tara, was educating herself on this new autoimmune disorder she came across a device called a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM). It is a device that is worn on the body which checks blood sugar levels every 5 minutes, 24 hours a day. It helps monitor blood glucose trends and prevention of high and low blood sugar levels. It allows for better control at home, which is the best way to prevent long term complications.

The Continuous Glucose Monitor is another set of eyes for Talon’s mum, who is a single parent. It gives her the ability to glance at the Dexcom (CGM) and make sure Talon’s levels aren't dropping dangerously, while he plays with his mates at daycare, in the playground, at parties, and while sleeping. This is reassurance that Tara is doing her best for Talon in such a stressful and complicated situation.

However, peace of mind comes at a cost. The out of pocket expenses for the CGM are approximately $108 per week. That doesn't even take into account the other costs of diabetes management - insulin consumables, insulin pumps, blood glucose meters, private health cover etc

Type 1 Diabetes doesn't go away, Talon will not grow out of it. It's with him for life. Any little way we can reduce the impact of Type 1 Diabetes on a little boy who just wants to be a kid is priceless in my eyes.

Thank you so much for your support in raising funds to purchase the Continuous Glucose Monitor and helping Talon live a long, happy and healthy life.

Fundraising For

Talon Walker

My nephew Talon was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in July 2014. He was only 3 1/2 years old. We are raising funds to purchase a CGM to improve Talon's quality of life & to give his mum Tara, peace of mind in knowing that Talon's blood glucose levels are being safely & continuously monitored.

Funds Banked To

Tara B Walker


Campaign Creator

Debbie Bell

Coolum Beach, QLD

Tue, 14 Apr 2015

Jess Murray

$ 20

The $20 you needed:)

Tue, 14 Apr 2015

emily irons

$ 30

Love Emily and Mitchell xxxx

Mon, 13 Apr 2015

Danny Fallon

$ 20
Mon, 13 Apr 2015

Rebecca Kugler

$ 30

All the best Batman, hope you reach your target. Love Bec, Brett, Bella and Kai xx

Sun, 12 Apr 2015

Angela Thompson

$ 30

Final profits from our Cotton Memories pouches. Lots of love from Pump Boutique.

Fri, 10 Apr 2015

Terryl Box

$ 50
Fri, 10 Apr 2015

Katherine Hegvold

$ 20

You are an absolute trooper Tal Man xo

Tue, 7 Apr 2015

Liz Leman

$ 200

Will help more at a later date.

Tue, 24 Mar 2015

Philip Cammiade

$ 50

Good luck "Batman" from Phil & Cheryl

Sun, 22 Mar 2015

Tara Walker

$ 140

Thank you so much to everyone who has donated. Here are three cash donations I have received... truly appreciated Olive and Ron Walker $100 Kerrie McKeown $10 Lynelle and Ella $30

SINCE Feb 2015



$1,850 raised

TARGET $2,500

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Talon Walker

My nephew Talon was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in July 2014. He was only 3 1/2 years old. We are raising funds to purchase a CGM to improve Talon's quality of life & to give his mum Tara, peace of mind in knowing that Talon's blood glucose levels are being safely & continuously monitored.

Funds Banked To

Tara B Walker


Campaign Creator

Debbie Bell

Coolum Beach, QLD

SINCE Feb 2015

