Silhouettes for MS

$160 raised


Please support this cause



My friend took this photo and set me a challenge to better this one. So I have accepted the challenge and want to surpass the fund raising target for a good cause in the process.

Fundraising For

Helena Markowski

Over the next two weeks I will be scouting the streets of Sydney snapping photos of the best silhouettes I can find to raise awareness of MS. Show off your body and donate for a cause to help those that may not have the same opportunities as you.

Funds Banked To

Helena Anna Markowski

Campaign Creator

Helena Markowski

Kingsford, NSW

Fri, 19 Dec 2014

Miranda Einstein

$ 30

Great cause, and great challenge Helena. Glad you aren't growing a mo' (personally, that is) mx

Wed, 17 Dec 2014

Nik Frangos

$ 100

I have had a personal tragic experience with this. A very worthy cause. Nik

Thu, 4 Dec 2014

Alex Butterworth

$ 30

SINCE Dec 2014



$160 raised


Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Helena Markowski

Over the next two weeks I will be scouting the streets of Sydney snapping photos of the best silhouettes I can find to raise awareness of MS. Show off your body and donate for a cause to help those that may not have the same opportunities as you.

Funds Banked To

Helena Anna Markowski

Campaign Creator

Helena Markowski

Kingsford, NSW

SINCE Dec 2014

