Ky's Battle against Leukaemia

$11,600 raised

TARGET $12,500

Please support this cause



Our son Ky age 8 was diagnosed with T-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (T-ALL) in July 2014.

The treatment plan for this type of Leukaemia (T-ALL) is generally chemotherapy over a two-year period, assuming a good response to chemotherapy.

Ky’s T-cell ALL is generally harder to treat & not as common as B-cell ALL.

The side effects of chemotherapy are harsh & Ky has suffered from the following on a daily basis since July. These include: chronic fatigue, stomach pain/cramps, nerve/bone pain, mouth ulcers, constipation, loss of appetite & weight loss.

Ky has been hospitalised numerous times since his original diagnoses, due to illness such as neutropenic fever & suspected sepsis infections.

Ky has had to have over a dozen different types of chemotherapy drugs, steroids, numerous antibiotics, anti-fungal, anti-viral medications, red packed blood cell & platelets transfusions.

Ky’s Dad has had to take a 12 months Unpaid Leave from work to help care for Ky while he battles this life threatening illness.

In the last 9 months Ky's Dad has spent over 130 nights in Hospital with him.

Our worst nightmare came when the Oncology Doctors told us Ky's response to chemotherapy was not as successful as they would have liked & he now has to have a Bone Marrow Transplant.

Ky had to undergo both High dose Radiation treatment & High dose Chemotherapy prior to the Bone Marrow Transplant.

Ky has now had the Bone Marrow Transplant & is currently suffering from severe mucositis of the mouth & gut, which causes vomiting & diarrhoea. He is on IV anti-rejection, antibiotics, anti-fungal & anti-viral medications. He requires constant morphine for pain relief & has feeds through a nasal gastric tube.

Ky will be in Hospital for a long-time recovering from the Transplant.

The Bone Marrow Team have told us Ky's full recovery time will be 6-12 months before his immune system will be full strength.

Ky missed the whole of Term 3 & Term 4 at school last year (2014) & will miss Term 1 & Term 2 this year.

Ky misses going to school, karate, swimming lessons, playing AFL & playing with his friends.

For those of you who don’t know Ky, he is a caring big brother, a great friend to many, a very clever & funny boy, but most of all a loving son.

We are trying to raise as much funds as possible for " Ky’s Battle against Leukaemia ".

Please support our brave boy Ky, every dollar counts & every dollar is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your prayers, support & generous donations .... God bless ....

Fundraising For

Ky's Battle against Leukaemia


Funds Banked To

Ky Reid


Campaign Creator

Trina Reid

Quakers Hill, NSW

Sat, 25 Apr 2015

Carole Donaldson

$ 50

Good to see that you are out of hospital little man - bigs hugs to you

Mon, 20 Apr 2015


$ 100
Wed, 8 Apr 2015


$ 100
Tue, 31 Mar 2015


$ 20
Tue, 31 Mar 2015

Debbie Biggs

$ 20

Thinking of you, wishing you all the best and stay strong. Xx

Sun, 15 Mar 2015

Vic Vella

$ 500

Get well little man

Tue, 3 Mar 2015

Carole Donaldson

$ 50

I love your beautiful family and I hope Ky is getting stronger by the day. Carole xxxxxx

Mon, 2 Mar 2015

Andrea Florio

$ 20
Sat, 21 Feb 2015


$ 50
Sat, 21 Feb 2015


$ 50

SINCE Sep 2014



$11,600 raised

TARGET $12,500

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Ky's Battle against Leukaemia


Funds Banked To

Ky Reid


Campaign Creator

Trina Reid

Quakers Hill, NSW

SINCE Sep 2014

