JANINE HALSE - Help our gorgeous friend.

$5,772 raised

TARGET $20,000

Please support this cause



Hi, my name is Julie Ahern. I live in Perth, Australia, and I would like to tell you a bit about my amazing friend of 16 years, Janine Halse. She will be 44 on Friday the 28th June.

3 weeks ago my friend was diagnosed with invasive cancer. This cancer has metastasized and spread throughout most of her body - needless to say her prognosis is bleak. Her Dr's have given her less than a year, and are not offering her treatment as they don't feel it will make any difference and will greatly reduce her quality of life. My strong beautiful friend has taken this on the chin with her usual grace and good humour - determined to make the most of the time she has left.

What makes it all the more heartbreaking, is that life has dealt her more than her fair share of knocks lately. In the last 4 years she has suffered a marriage breakdown, the loss of her house, then the loss of her dog-washing business. Each time she has been knocked down , she has bounced straight back up, more determined than before. Before her diagnosis she was sharing a unit with her friend and her friends small son, and saving hard for a deposit on a house. She knows that she won't be able to bounce back from this, and that's where we, her mates, come in.

Janine is one of the most loving, giving people I've ever known.Although she was unable to have kids of her own, she has been a loving, kind and funny Aunty 'Nine to all her nieces and nephew, and all her friends children. My kids just love her, and she is also godmother to my youngest son. She is a passionate animal lover and has adopted or rescued dozens of stray dogs and cats over the years. To her they are her "kids", and no animal has ever been luckier than having her as their "mum". She is so passionate about her animals that she made a career out of it - owning a dog-washing business, and lately working as a dog groomer. Her heart has always been as open as her front door - open to anyone who needs a friend, a bed, a coffee, a hug, a wine, or just someone to listen. She's been a cook, a babysitter, a dogwasher, a psychologist, a nurse, a chauffeur and one of the best friends I, or any of us, have ever had. She's been such an integral part of our lives for so long, that the thought of a future without her is more than any of us can contemplate.

She knows the next few months are going to be gruelling, but she wants to wring every bit of joy out of every day she has left. Her attitude is nothing short of amazing. Bills, medicine and the cost of living is one burden, we, as her friends and family who love her would like to lessen, as soon she'll be unable to work and has exhausted her savings on Dr's and specialists. She's a proud, strong person who's never asked for anything in her whole life, as she's always been a giver, so, on her behalf I am asking, cap in hand, for your support. Anything you can spare, no matter the amount, would be more appreciated than we could ever say, and we hope that you can find it in your hearts to give, just a little. We would love to make a difference to our friends life as she's made such a difference to ours.

With love and hope
Julie Ahern and ALL Janine's family and friends!

Fundraising For



Funds Banked To



Campaign Creator



Sun, 3 Nov 2013

Sharon and Buddy the dog

$ 70

on behalf of Sharon and Buddy

Sat, 14 Sep 2013

Jan Gaffney

$ 50

Hi Janine, this is from Ruby, Daisy and me and we hope it helps. You brightened our day with your visits (although Ruby wouldn't admit it!). I wish our paths could've crossed somehow differently. I would've loved to get to know you better - you're a beautiful person. Knock 'em bandy, Janine. Love and woofs xxxxxxxxxx

Fri, 30 Aug 2013

Ashlee Jackman & Shane Bristowe

$ 200

I wish I had a magic wand To make it go away; I'd wave my scepter over you Until you were okay. I'd think good thoughts; I'd send you love; I'd transmit healing vibes; My wand and I would surely beat Whatever the doc prescribes. But there is no magic scepter, so I cannot cast a spell; Just know you're often in my thoughts, And I hope you'll soon be well! Your a bloody legend woman!

Thu, 29 Aug 2013

lisa jackman

$ 150

Sending you love and light always. Lisa Jackman

Tue, 27 Aug 2013

Jenny,Glenn & Ashlee Macpherson

$ 1000

To my Bridesmaid, Bestfreind and Always Aunty Neen. You do what you want Girlfreind (As per usual He He)xox Hope this gives you some Go Go Juice

Sat, 24 Aug 2013

Denise Jeffs

$ 652

Dear Janine Last night a few of my beautiful friends and family (who I had told about your cause) got together for a "Girls Night In". We raised $652 for you through donations and selling our books and jewellery. We hope this gift helps you and brightens your day. With love from Denise, my family and friends. xxxx

Tue, 20 Aug 2013

Janeane Mason (nee Bell)

$ 300

From one Aunty Neane to another, you are in my thoughts xx

Wed, 14 Aug 2013

Keeley Livings

$ 200

Staying dry in July saved some dollars....Love from Keeley and Pat xxxx

Thu, 8 Aug 2013

Nola Allen

$ 100

Wishing you lots of support Janine. Don't lose your happy nature. Love and Best Wishes Gavin & Nola Allen

Wed, 31 Jul 2013

Tracey McGill

$ 100

Lots of Love from Tracey, Shane, Grace & Preston XXXX

SINCE Jun 2013



$5,772 raised

TARGET $20,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For



Funds Banked To



Campaign Creator



SINCE Jun 2013

