Edens World

$20 raised

TARGET $5,000

Please support this cause



Eden is a beautiful smiley happy toddler who like most toddlers is enjoying being into everything in reach however un like most toddlers who make our hearts melt with their first word and our bellys ache at their giggles Eden is one of a kind. Eden is one of twin miracle babies who were born premature at just 23 weeks. With only 9 out of 100 23 week premature babies surviving we count our blessings to have not just one survivior but also Edens twin sister Willow. Miraculously these two little fighters held on for eachother and went from strength to strength after spending the first 14 months of her life in PMH hospital Eden is now living at home with her family. Surviving for Eden did come with complications, she now has a trakiostomy and has to be monitored around the clock every second of every minute of every hour of every day. Eden can not be left unattended and requires frequent suctioning of sucreations, airway maintaining and oxygen to be administered. Wherever Eden goes so does all her equipment and oxygen tanks. Leading a normal day for Edens family is a struggle and with Eden requiring constant care daily living has become hectic chaotic demanding and very strenuous for this family and their children. Eden currently recieves 4 evenings a week of care through the night however a parent still has to be present on call In the house and the carers are not allowed to be left in the house unattended with Eden. Eden often decanulates and requires atleast two persons to put the trakiostomy back In. As one of Edens carers I have seen the emotional, physical and mental drainage Edens illness has on this family who are desperate for some help. Please help me to help this family in need. I would love to be able to raise enough funding to help provide one of the families children with some extra tuition out of school to help with school work she has missed due to Eden being in ICU in Perth. I would also love to be able to provide the family with funding to help with daily house chores such as cleaning, preparing meals and laundry. This family needs our help together we can make their lives easier and even by just taking away the burdens of simple daily tasks will improve their lives dramatically. Please sponsor me to complete a 14,000 FT skydive. I am terrified of heights and will hopefully not just overcome this fear but help bring smiles to this house hold.

If we can raise $5000 this will provide the family with 6 months of once per week cleaning duties completed, one hour per week for 6 months tuition and homework help to the families eldest daughter and 47 hours of extra respite for Eden.

Together we can make a huge difference for this family.

Fundraising For

Edens World


Funds Banked To

No bank added yet


Campaign Creator

Louise Barratt

Bunbury, WA

Sat, 9 Mar 2013


$ 10
Sat, 9 Mar 2013


$ 10

SINCE Mar 2013



$20 raised

TARGET $5,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Edens World


Funds Banked To

No bank added yet


Campaign Creator

Louise Barratt

Bunbury, WA

SINCE Mar 2013

