Jonah Orbach

$11,189 raised

TARGET $18,000

Please support this cause



As part of the process of becoming a Barmitzvah at Temple Beth Israel, we undertake a program called B'Mitzvotav (through G-d's commandments), one part of which is called Middot (relating to Jewish values). The Middot project is an opportunity to develop a meaningful connection with my community prior to achieving Barmitzvah.

When contemplating what my Middot project might be, I knew that I wanted to focus on adolescents and young adults less privileged than me, particularly those suffering with cancer. This has become a very passionate commitment for me since so many kids around my age are unfortunate enough as to be struck by these diseases and my good fortune in experiencing great health is in such contrast. I needed to do something to better their opportunity to recover!

My father and I visited the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in Melbourne and we spoke to the professional staff involved with the wonderful ONTrac@PeterMac program. ONTrac is Australia�s leading Adolescent and Young Adult oncology support service. The service offers young people access to the latest cancer therapies and to clinical trials while providing age-appropriate psychological, social and
emotional support to them.

I became aware that for many young people, a diagnosis of cancer can result in long hospital stays for diagnosis, treatment and sometimes, for the various complications of both. Many young people report that they experience a sense of isolation from peers, family and friends, as well as also experiencing substantial boredom during the prolonged periods of treatment regimes.

I wondered how I would deal with such a situation if I were a cancer sufferer and inside I knew that I would cope much better if I could listen to music or play my drums or even spend that time composing music. In fact, music could complement the therapies that I would have to undertake. So I thought "why not the same for these, my peers?" Due to resources at ONTrac being limited, there is presently no music therapy program available, although I am sure that you are aware that the benefits gained from this particular type of therapy are widely recognised.

So, that is how my Middot project evolved.

Further meetings with ONTrac staff resulted in ONTrac conceiving a proposed a Music Therapy program for its many patients. However, given that such a program would require an array of electronic and IT devices and a broad range of musical instruments and related resources, I thought that this is where I can come in.

In conjunction with the ONTrac program�s personnel, we have developed a list of required musical instruments, computer and other technology equipment now accepted to be essential for the new �complementary� music therapy strategy.

Therefore, it goes without saying that in lieu of any gifts for my Barmitzvah, I would be so very grateful if consideration were given to providing a donation to ONTrac at Peter Mac.

Your generosity and kindness will contribute immensely to create a very significant improvement to the vitality and spirit of adolescents and young adults during a most traumatic time in their lives.

With my sincere thanks to you all.

Jonah Orbach

I'm raising funds for


On Trac at Peter Mac

ONTrac at Peter Mac is a multidisciplinary service which is dedicated to the clinical care and support of young people aged 15-25 with cancer and their families throughout Victoria and is hosted by the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.


About Fundraiser

Jonah Orbach

Caulfield Junction, VIC

Tue, 1 Jan 2013


$ 200
Sun, 23 Dec 2012

Tim and Jo

$ 100
Fri, 21 Dec 2012


$ 25
Fri, 21 Dec 2012

Robert Reis

$ 400

Well done Jonah!

Mon, 17 Dec 2012

Sue Morgan

$ 50

This is a fantastic intiative! Fred and Sue Morgan

Thu, 6 Dec 2012

Toby Mac

$ 54

Mazel Tov Jonah!!! I Hope you had a great night and it was a meaningful Jewish experience that you take with you for the rest of your life. All the best Toby Mac

Tue, 4 Dec 2012

Haupt Family

$ 180
Mon, 3 Dec 2012

Alyssa Hall

$ 54
Sun, 2 Dec 2012

Saul Berman

$ 30

Mazel tov Jonah on your barmitzvah, from Sarena Berman

Sat, 1 Dec 2012

Manny Bikakis

$ 100

Mazel Tov Jonah. You should be very proud. Welcome to the BIG world !! Our verry best Manny & Bikakis family

SINCE Oct 2012



$11,189 raised

TARGET $18,000

Please support this cause


I'm raising funds for


On Trac at Peter Mac

ONTrac at Peter Mac is a multidisciplinary service which is dedicated to the clinical care and support of young people aged 15-25 with cancer and their families throughout Victoria and is hosted by the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.

About Fundraiser

Jonah Orbach

Caulfield Junction, VIC

SINCE Oct 2012

