Thanks for visiting Centacare South West NSWs Unplug24 fundraising page! Our team are taking part in the Unplug24 challenge to step away from social media for 24 hours on 24 October.
We deliver whole school support in mental health promotion, prevention and wellbeing within primary and secondary schools, so see firsthand the negative impact social media can have on all children, adolescents and families.
We would love you to show your support our team by sponsoring us - you can click the DONATE button to do that.
Your support will enable SmackTalk to provide much needed educational programs - and help save lives.
Unplug24 is being run to raise awareness and funds for SmackTalk charity, a movement set up to help prevent sexual extortion and suicide.
SmackTalk is creating a legacy for 17-year-old Mac Holdsworth who took his own life on 24 October last year after being sexually extorted.
Even if you don't think you are in a position to fundraise yourself, it would also be great if you could sign up and stay off social media with me during Unplug24 to show your support for this important cause.
Go Team!!