To help us give our sons a Christmas

$0 raised

TARGET $5,000

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Hi my 8 year old son Angus had a beautiful little kitten named teddy bear and he got hit by a car and sadly didn't make it and we spent all the savings trying to save teddy bear and as we have to move house which took the very last of our savings. And we are trying to give him a Christmas to help him get through losing his kitten teddy bear we are hoping to get him another pet he really wants a maine coon cat please if anyone can help us it would be so greatly appreciated

Fundraising For

Angus and teddy bear

Funds Banked To

T B Currieion

Campaign Creator

Tua Greenwood

Golden Square, VIC

Be the first to donate to this cause!

SINCE Nov 2023



$0 raised

TARGET $5,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Angus and teddy bear

Funds Banked To

T B Currieion

Campaign Creator

Tua Greenwood

Golden Square, VIC

SINCE Nov 2023

