Help Madison Recover From Cancer and Walk Again!

$9,430 raised

TARGET $116,800

Please support this cause



The Healing Begins:
On November 26th, 2022 our world was turned upside down when our beloved 14-year-old Madison was rushed to Tweed Head emergency. An MRI revealed a 19cm tumor on her left femur bone, and the diagnosis was Ewing's Sarcoma.

Madison embarked on a difficult 9-month medical protocol with 17 rounds of chemotherapy. She also faced a daunting 12-hour surgery, 2 surgeons working on each leg, a team of skilled medical professionals worked tirelessly to remove the tumor and bone reconstruction to her femur bone using healthy bone from her right leg, secured with a titanium steel bracket stretching from her hip to her knee, 3 days in ICU and 3 weeks Hospital after surgery. Transferred back John Hunter Newcastle to continue with an intense weekly chemotherapy protocol for the next 8 months.

Our 11 month Journey: = $38,300 in Expenses
Throughout this ordeal, we've found ourselves in four different hospitals, stayed in three Ronald McDonald houses, and relied on Airbnb and serviced apartments for temporary shelter for 11 months while we continued to keep our house in Mullumbimby with the hope of going home again. We've spent 90% of our time in an oncology ward and had to adapt to living in a new city. It hasn't been easy, but our determination knows no bounds when it comes to helping Madison walk again and returning back home and school after 11 months of hospital life. Supporting Madison's recovery has left her mother to pay all expenses of her own savings. The past 11 months of expenses including rent, groceries, and medical expenses paid from the savings of Madison's mother have equated to $38,300.

The Road Ahead: = $78,500 in Expenses
The road ahead remains long and uncertain, but we face it with unwavering hope and love. Madison's grace and resilience inspire us every day, and we are committed to being by her side, supporting her every step of the way. Madison's mother is committed to offering the full time support she needs for the next year as she learns to walk.

We have estimated that the following year of rent, groceries, relocating, physiotherapy, specialist and oncology check ups for flights from Ballina to Newcastle and Sydney and minimal living expenses will equate to $78,500.

How You Can Help: Target = $116,800

Past 11 months: Eliminating Cancer expenses = $38,300
Next 12 months: Learning to walk again expenses = $78,500

Madison's journey to recovery is not one we can undertake alone. We humbly ask for your support, both emotionally and financially, to help Madison receive the ongoing medical care and rehabilitation she needs. Your contributions will go towards medical bills, physical therapy, and any unforeseen expenses that arise during this challenging period.

We would love to see the year ahead supported by our beautiful, caring community by donating to the year ahead of $78,500 of expenses. To help make this family whole, we would love to see some support come in from this past year of $38,300 worth of expenses. Combining the past 11 months of cancer treatment, plus the year ahead of recovery equate to a total target of $116,800 to help this family battle and overcome Ewing's Sarcoma.

Please consider donating, no matter how small or large your contribution may be. Every dollar brings us closer to seeing Madison walk, run, dance and enjoy the life she so deserves. Despite missing the past 11 months of school, Madison is committed to making a full recovery and attending university to pursue her passion to be a writer.

Join us in making a difference in Madison's life. Your support means the world to us, and together, we can help her overcome this adversity and regain her mobility.

Please offer your support but also respect the privacy of this family during this difficult time

Thank you for being a part of Madison's journey towards a brighter future.

Fundraising For

Madison De Zilva-Law

Funds Banked To

Shavon De Zilva

Campaign Creator

Matt Garrell

Mullumbimby , NSW

Tue, 30 Jan 2024


$ 50
Wed, 24 Jan 2024

Lee Cramer

$ 50

Terrible disease for a young girl to go through. All the best

Thu, 11 Jan 2024

Wendy Kenyon

$ 50
Thu, 21 Dec 2023

Snowdon, Gloria and Lants

$ 100
Thu, 9 Nov 2023


$ 20
Tue, 7 Nov 2023


$ 10
Tue, 7 Nov 2023

lynda millin Osborne

$ 100

Big love to you and Maddy

Mon, 6 Nov 2023

Tara Fischer

$ 100

Blessings to you both on this journey of healing your Soul's destiny together. Much love <3

Fri, 3 Nov 2023


$ 50
Fri, 3 Nov 2023

Jason Lewis

$ 50

With love ❤️

SINCE Sep 2023



$9,430 raised

TARGET $116,800

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Madison De Zilva-Law

Funds Banked To

Shavon De Zilva

Campaign Creator

Matt Garrell

Mullumbimby , NSW

SINCE Sep 2023

