Investing in Education: Empowering a Nguyen to Excel

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I am a determined high school student from Vietnam, currently attending a prestigious school in Thanh Hoa province. With a burning ambition to pursue a scholarship and study medicine abroad, I am actively working towards achieving my dreams. To make this vision a reality, I have meticulously crafted a master plan for my high school years.

As part of my plan, I need to undertake a series of crucial tests. Firstly, I aim to retake the IELTS exam in December, aiming to improve upon my previous score of 7.5. Additionally, I plan to take the SAT in March 2024, which is a vital requirement for admission to international universities. Furthermore, I aspire to excel in AP chemistry and biology exams scheduled for May or June.

To embark on this journey, I require financial support totaling approximately 400 US dollars, which will cover the test fees as well as travel expenses. Since the test centers are located in the capital city, I will incur travel costs to reach there and ensure I have the opportunity to sit for these exams.

By contributing to my campaign, you will play a pivotal role in shaping my future. Your support will enable me to take these essential tests, furthering my chances of securing a scholarship and pursuing my dream of becoming a doctor. Every donation, no matter the size, will bring me one step closer to realizing my aspirations.

I am immensely grateful for your consideration and support. Together, let us pave the way for my success and make a lasting impact on my journey to a brighter future. Thank you for being part of this incredible opportunity.

Fundraising For

Cao Nguyen

Funds Banked To

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Campaign Creator

Cao Nguyên


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SINCE Sep 2023



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Fundraising For

Cao Nguyen

Funds Banked To

No bank added yet

Campaign Creator

Cao Nguyên


SINCE Sep 2023

