Helping My Parents - Wayne & Pat Ryan - Dad Has Cancer

$260 raised

TARGET $50,000

Please support this cause



Hi I'm Jasmine,

Eldest of the 5 children of Wayne & Pat Ryan, my Dad was diagnosed with cancer last year and we found out how bad it was on the 9th of August last year (Dad's Birthday).

Since then it's been ups and downs, and tears and laughter all had as a family - however prior to even knowing Dad had cancer Mum & Dad decided to cash in what little superannuation they had to buy a small block of land, and a kit home so they could finally own a home, and begin to slow down and take care of themselves.

Since then what money they could put into getting the house frame and exterior walls done they did, they moved from the shed they were living in and into the home.

I am happy for them, and understand my Dad is determined to get this home build and finished before he is too sick for my Mum, but I am more worried that they are living in a home that may be keeping the rain out. but it's not finished so has no plumbing, or proper electricity, no ceiling, or internal walls completed.

So, I am creating this to generate some finances to help with completing this so my Dad can live better - in proper living conditions, and my Mum and Dad can begin to focus their energy, and life on my Dad vs all of the worries.

Any extra above the target amount will go to helping pay for travel costs, medical costs, and associated financial impact.

I would also love to build some veggie gardens, and make the place beautiful for them both.

Thank you for your help, and love in helping me, help them <3

Fundraising For

Wayne & Patricia Ryan

Funds Banked To

Jasmine L Ryan

Campaign Creator

Jasmine Ryan

Hobart, TAS

Thu, 7 Sep 2023

Dani Woodruffe

$ 50

Patty n Wayne. Sending a little help with a Tonne of love, strength and wishes kindred souls help a little and slot too. ?

Tue, 5 Sep 2023

Pam Gallagher

$ 50

Its good to see your faces again

Tue, 5 Sep 2023


$ 50
Tue, 5 Sep 2023

Elizabeth Tekanyo

$ 100

Hey babe, I had no idea about your dad. So sorry to hear that he is struggling with cancer. Man! Your story actually gives me chills as my dad just passed away and the stories are similar. He and mom were rebuilding their dream property after they lost it in a bush fire. Dad was hanging on to see the house built (he had kidney failure), but eventually felt like it was too hard and too drawn out that he gave up and stopped treatment. Mom decided she didn’t want to continue the build and live alone there without him. But now she has the money to do things she loves like travel and see the grand babies. Anyway hoping your dads story ends on a much happier note but regardless what happens, I send my love and support babe. Look forward to seeing you soon.

Mon, 4 Sep 2023


$ 10

SINCE Sep 2023



$260 raised

TARGET $50,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Wayne & Patricia Ryan

Funds Banked To

Jasmine L Ryan

Campaign Creator

Jasmine Ryan

Hobart, TAS

SINCE Sep 2023

