Six years ago, the Morris family visited Engaruka, Tanzania, where they learned about the 3 to 4-hour walk that Maasai children courageously undertake through treacherous terrain to reach school.
Following the tragic loss of their beloved son Marcus, Jonathan and Kath Morris resolved to establish a school in his memory, honouring his life.
As Marcus’ former school chaplain at Shore School, I saw the profound impact of his passing on the school community and the solace found in Christ.
Having witnessed the transformative power of a Christian education in communities in great need, I understand its immeasurable value.
I share a deep bond with the Morris family - their sons have also had a significant impact on the lives of my own children – and I now serve as their minister at St. Thomas Church in North Sydney.
This cause resonates deeply with me, and I'm embarking on a cycling journey through the Alps and Pyrenees to raise funds to build two classrooms in Engaruka.
For updates on my trip – please check out the Facebook group
Please can you give generously to support this worthy cause.
An anonymous donor has generously pledged to match the first $12,000 donated. Your contribution will have double the impact, thanks to this matching donation.
The Katoke Trust is based in Australia and is the umbrella charity under which The Engaruka Project is administered. All donations are tax-deductible.
To help a community caught in the poverty trap of subsistence living get onto the bottom rung of the development ladder in order that they themselves can take charge of, and continue, their own development.
To help a community caught in the poverty trap of subsistence living get onto the bottom rung of the development ladder in order that they themselves can take charge of, and continue, their own development.
Well done Paul and friends.