Covid-19 Vax Injured Medical Expenses

$570 raised


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I am a former paramedic (ESO), wife and mum of a 3 year old boy from Western Australia. I am suffering from serious ongoing adverse reactions from having the Covid-19 vaccines (Pfizer/Novavax) and have been abandoned by the Australian Government and now I urgently need your help.

Because of multiple ongoing reactions and a mixed dose schedule , I am ineligible for the Compensation Scheme. Due to ongoing medical expenses, emergency ambulance fees and being down to only one income, my family can no longer afford private health insurance. I have submitted a report to the TGA but received no follow up.

My injuries started with pericarditis following my second jab in June 2021. Since then I now suffer from multiple serious heart conditions and my GP has urgently referred me to a cardiologist (next appt 17 March 2023) for more thorough investigations and possibly a loop monitor/pacemaker surgery.

In August 2021 I had a sudden change in menstrual cycle and began bleeding heavily with large blood clots, severe abdominal and pelvic pain and was diagnosed with Premature Ovarian Insufficiency. I had a Laparoscopic surgery to investigate the causes which came up normal, so was put on medications to try to stop the bleeding. I am constantly anaemic due to loss of blood despite having regular iron infusions and taking iron supplements. The medications haven’t worked so now my Gynaecologist has scheduled me for an urgent total hysterectomy at the start of April 2023.

In November 2021 I started having a deranged liver function, enlarged spleen and pancreas and still suffer daily with nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea, sometimes with bleeding. Investigations by a gastroenterologist/hepatologist are still ongoing as to the cause with a possible liver biopsy later this year.

I had the Novavax booster in March 2022 as I was refused 3 medical exemption applications. One week following this jab, I began to suffer neurological symptoms like brain fog, slurred speech, tremors, internal vibrations and syncope. I was diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) by a neurologist and referred to a psychologist.

Since then I have been in/out of hospital 16 times, 11 times by emergency ambulance. I have been medically gaslighted by hospitals and specialists and am now resorting to being treated by a functional medicine practitioner/naturopath and looking for natural options to help recover from this so that I may be able to regain some normality in my life and be able to look after our son properly rather than from a hospital bed or my husband having to take unpaid time off work all the time. I just want my health back and I’m asking if you could please donate a small amount to help make that happen.

Fundraising For

Karri Chapus

Funds Banked To

Karri Ann Chapus

Campaign Creator

Karri Chapus

South Lake, WA

Sat, 15 Apr 2023


$ 20
Wed, 8 Mar 2023

Anne-Maree Russell

$ 500

Karri, I wish you all the best in your recovery. My heart is totally broken for all the injured. Thinking of you. You are not alone. Bravo for reaching out. A-M xx

Wed, 8 Mar 2023

Sonia Hecquet

$ 50

I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I wish I could afford to give you more. Wishing you healing and love ?

SINCE Mar 2023



$570 raised


Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Karri Chapus

Funds Banked To

Karri Ann Chapus

Campaign Creator

Karri Chapus

South Lake, WA

SINCE Mar 2023

