Help for my sister

$0 raised

TARGET $60,000

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Hi, my name is Mona and I am fundraising for my Sister, Sonia. My sister is residing in Fiji and has been struggling with Cancer for about a year now.

In April 2022, Sonia was advised she had an acute bowel obstruction. She had emergency surgery to remove this obstruction. This was only 6 months after her second child was born.

Since April 2022, Sonia has had 8 cycles of chemotherapy which was in the form of oral medication.

In January 2023, Sonia was feeling unwell and a CT scan revealed that there was a new pelvic mass, further tests and reviews were carried out.

On 23 Feb 2023, she was advised that she needed to look into other chemotherapy regimens not availble in Fiji.

Some notes from the doctor's report are:
20/02/23: GYNAECOLOGY: She was fortunate to have been seen by a visiting Gynecology-Oncologist. As per reports from the Gynae team- his opinion was she was not fit for Gynae surgery in our local setting plus she needed stronger chemotherapy regimens to downsize the tumour before surgery can be re­ discussed, and all this needed to be done urgently.
23/02/23: SURGICAL: She was again reviewed by our Surgical Consultants and they have opted to re­ discuss in MDT to decide on doing direct biopsies of the mass and plans thereafter.
23/02/23: ONCOLOGY· clinically the new tumour is cancerous. Whatever the biopsy outcome reveals­ there is no further chemotherapy treatment available in Fiji that can be accessed. She needs combined therapies ( chemo/Radiation/immunotherapy) as soon as possible.

This time has been devastating for Sonia and it has taken a toll on her physical and mental health. She is on and off from work and she feels her health is deteriorating.
She hasn't been able to spend much time with her 2 beautiful daughters (3years and 18 months old). She is constantly worried about them and their future.

I have created this space to support Sonia and her family.

The hospital in Fiji is assisting her with arrangements for her to travel to India and receive the care and treatment she needs.

Any funds raised will support her in paying for the chemotherapy sessions, targeted therapy, radiation and daily medications. Other costs will include hotel bills and food.
Any donation is greatly appreciated! Your thoughts and prayers will be massive comfort to us during this time.

Thank you

Fundraising For

Sonia singh

Funds Banked To

Mona Singh

Campaign Creator

Mona Singh

Colebee, NSW

Be the first to donate to this cause!

SINCE Mar 2023



$0 raised

TARGET $60,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Sonia singh

Funds Banked To

Mona Singh

Campaign Creator

Mona Singh

Colebee, NSW

SINCE Mar 2023

