Cyclone Gabrielle - Hawkes Bay flood fund for Pakowhai and Eskdale families
$50 raised
TARGET $20,000
Please support this cause
The Pakowhai and Eskdale families have been greatly affected by Cyclone Gabrielle floods in Hawkes Bay over the last 2 weeks. People need to know that the clean up is huge, the the share magnitude of what has occurred and now the silt that has been left behind to clear is well over a meter high and the smell is disgusting.
The clean up means wading through the silt and you can not get clothes cleaned from the smell and the staining once you have been in the mud and silt.
The amount of hard work and clearing that needs to occur is huge
The Hill family lost everything as they lived at Eskdale. This means their house, contents and there property is under stilt now.
The Dllion family lost their orchards, all equipment, the houses were damaged with the silt.
These people are suffering financially and mentally - any assistance would be great
They are warned about more flooding to come and a potential of any 2 cyclones on the way