My name is Jodie and my niece is in desperate need of a New Heart!❤️❤️
She still has to wait another 2 months at least, even then her body can completely fail her or her organs start to shut down at anytime, hence why we are doing this mycause page so whatever time she has left would be with her family. We’d be so grateful for any donations possible.
Gemma was born with hypoplastic-left-heart Gemma has always been an active kid with a promising future that will add value to the world and society at large.
She’s being diagnosed again with defecting Lungs, her kidneys and liver are failing her. She's currently in a coma as at the moment and her life is hanging in the balance as she awaits a new heart transplant but needs her health to be ok before that can be done. Help Gemma today as she can be the key to a semi normal life. She is such a good girl and always in good spirits even though the last two years she spent in hospital and has numerous open heart surgeries. She can’t be a normal little girl and go to the park or step outside as this will compromise her health severely. She a fighter but her body is failing her.
Currently, Gemma isn’t doing too well at all, she’s in and out of induced comas to help heal her body heal and her immune system is compromised before she can even get a heart. . I understand it’s a new year and people might not have the money but anything would help to make things possible as now we are literally living day by day! Here’s my niece's journey so far. I'm praying we can get some support as things aren’t looking good for Gemma.