For The Love Of ARTHUR

$410 raised

TARGET $10,000

Please support this cause



For The Love Of ARTHUR ?

This fundraiser is to help a very special person who volunteers at our wildlife sanctuary in Reedy Creek, Victoria. Her name is Kim, and she is "mum" to Arthur.

Arthur is her very happy 9 year old ginger cat. He was adopted by Kim after he was abandoned as a tiny kitten. Now Arthur is spoilt and very, very loved. Normally he is up to all kinds of mischief, but recently he wasn't feeling so good.

Kim noticed that Arthur wasn't his usual self, had become very quiet and had even stopped eating his food. This was not normal for Arthur. He started to vomit all the time and became very sick. Kim took Arthur to the vet hospital and after extensive testing they found out that he had a large tumour on his spleen.

Arthur had to undergo a complicated emergency surgery to remove the tumour from his spleen. Without this operation Arthur would have died. After a week in the hospital he was allowed to go back home with Kim. He is now taking a lot of medication, has stitches, and is very slowly recovering.

Kim would have done anything to save Arthur. He means so very much to her. But what she didn't anticipate was how much the bill from the vet hospital would be. It was $10,242!!

This is where we stepped in.

Kim volunteers with us at Little Urchins Wildlife Sanctuary. She is an amazing and selfless person who loves animals very much. Kim works long 10 hour days helping with all kinds of jobs around the property and with our rescued wildlife. She also volunteers 2 days a week at another animal shelter and we know that she would work just as hard while she is there.

Kim would be one of the most genuine, nicest people we have ever met. Nothing is ever too hard for her to do, especially if it is helping an animal. She gives so much of her time and love to her volunteer work, and never asks for anything in return.

We know how much Arthur means to Kim. When he got sick some people suggested that going through with his operation was not worth it. But to Kim this was not even a question. She said that you don't take on an animal unless you are prepared to make a committment right through until the end. Arthur was very lucky that Kim is his mum, because she was not giving up on him for even one minute.

When the bill came in for Arthur's surgery Kim was shocked. We all were. We know Kim cannot afford to pay that much money. She has a family and home to look after, Arthur and other fur babies to care for, and no paying work. Kim has said she would sell her car to pay the account but that would not even come close to what is needed.

Because Kim will never ask for help, we have decided to do it for her. Unfortunately we are a nfp charity and rely on the support of others to be able to rescue and care for injured or orphaned wildlife. We aren't in a position financially to help Kim as we struggle to get by each week ourselves. But we can fundraise and help her and Arthur this way.

There is a video attached to this fundraiser for you to watch that shares more about Arthur, and we have also included Arthur's story from his mum Kim for you to read.

Arthur is a beautiful cat, and his mum Kim an amazing and kind person. They deserve something good to happen for them.

If you love cats and care about animals, we are asking you to please help us to raise the money for Arthur's operation.

Any amount that you may be able to give towards the cost of Arthur's life saving surgery would be so very appreciated. If you are able to help then just click on the donate button and follow the instructions.

We are doing this for Kim, but also For The Love Of ARTHUR. Thank you. ?

More On ARTHUR's STORY by Kim

Arthur came to us when he was 6 weeks old with his sister Morgana. They were rescued by my brother in law when they were about a week old, thrown away in a cardboard box and left to die. There was also another sister that sadly didn’t have the strength to survive. My brother in law Steven is a vet nurse, and hand raised them until they were ready to come and live with us.

They are both 9 years old, and enjoying a safe and happy life, until recently when Arthur got very sick. He was vomiting and his behaviour was very strange, so we took him to Essendon emergency vet. Arthur was in the hospital for a week, were he had many procedures preformed on him. It was discovered he had a tumour on his spleen, which was removed. He is still quite unwell, but is back home with us, on medication and having to be contained until he gets his stitches out. He is in a large dog crate and not happy at all.

We are hoping he will be well soon and back to the Arthur Pendragon (named after King Arthur), we all love. Get well soon big boy.

Fundraising For

Arthur's Life Saving Surgery

Funds Banked To

Kim Robertson-tocci

Campaign Creator

Kat Agar-Teehan - LUWS

Reedy Creek, VIC

Sun, 1 Jan 2023

Anita Daly

$ 100

For the love of Arthur and Kim

Sun, 1 Jan 2023


$ 10
Sat, 31 Dec 2022

Joanne O'Neill

$ 100

Hoping Arther gets better soon

Sat, 31 Dec 2022

Christine Gilmore

$ 50

I hope this helps a little Kimmy….

Sat, 31 Dec 2022

Debbie Brierty

$ 50
Sat, 31 Dec 2022

Kat Agarteehan

$ 100

SINCE Dec 2022



$410 raised

TARGET $10,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Arthur's Life Saving Surgery

Funds Banked To

Kim Robertson-tocci

Campaign Creator

Kat Agar-Teehan - LUWS

Reedy Creek, VIC

SINCE Dec 2022

