Haley and James's Mission

$5,910 raised

TARGET $3,000

Please support this cause



Hello everyone, James and I (Haley) are currently studying to be missionaries and open a meditation centre next year.

Although we have been saving money, we are asking for any help from family and friends who feel in their hearts to support our mission.

We will both be out of work for some months while studying. Our missionary course runs from April-July and is a full commitment, meaning we will not be earning income during this time and will still be needing to pay rent back in Perth as well as our regular living expenses.

After our course finishes, we will return to our house in Perth, Western Australia, pack all of our belongings and begin our journey.

Some of our costs:
Flights to and from Sydney for the course: $1,800AUD
Cost of living while at the course: $8,000AUD

Thank you for your consideration and support of our mission, even in the smallest of ways, such as praying for us and wishing us well, which is truly a greater offering than money! Both James and I have always wanted to be missionaries, for many long years now, and this is truly our dream come true. Thank you to everyone who has believed in us, taught us, inspired us and encouraged us over all these years. We have been so blessed in our lives and hope to continue to spread the love, light wisdom of Christ everywhere we go.

Fundraising For

Haley and James Oversby

Funds Banked To


Campaign Creator

Haley Oversby

Nollamara, WA

Tue, 18 Jul 2023

Bryan Horton

$ 2250
Mon, 27 Feb 2023

Bryan Horton

$ 1500

So excited your adventure begins in just 5 weeks. We love you both and support you on your path. Love, Mom & Dad

Fri, 10 Feb 2023

William Koerner

$ 700

May He grant you His grace, guidance, help, and protection. Love, Pop-Pop

Sat, 7 Jan 2023

Dale and Faye Brumagin (Aunt Cheri's Parents)

$ 150

Cheri told us about your mission. It is wonderful for young people to serve others and dedicate their lives to sharing Christ! We are so excited, and will be praying for you both.

Thu, 5 Jan 2023

Ken & Cheri Koerner

$ 150

We pray for God's blessing on you all and that you will be protected in His care. We will be praying for both of you every day.

Sat, 31 Dec 2022

Bailey Bennett

$ 100

Sounds like such an exciting adventure!!! We will be praying for y'all and can't wait to hear about it!! Love, Zach, Bailey, and Flynn

Fri, 30 Dec 2022

Alice Ng

$ 70

All the very best. ?

Fri, 30 Dec 2022

Denise H. Bennett

$ 300

Haley & James-We truly could not be more proud of you, and are more than happy to support you in this endeavor for Christ. I plan to donate more later as well. Go & serve! And may you be blessed 10 fold for it. Love you both! Uncle Lloyd & Aunt Denise

Fri, 30 Dec 2022

Brooke Hartgraves

$ 100
Thu, 29 Dec 2022


$ 50

SINCE Dec 2022



$5,910 raised

TARGET $3,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Haley and James Oversby

Funds Banked To


Campaign Creator

Haley Oversby

Nollamara, WA

SINCE Dec 2022

