Mark has been in a severe and near fatal car collision and has sustained countless injuries, fractures and breaks. He has been airlifted into hospital and has been there for over a week and will be discharged after yet another surgery. Once he’s discharged he will need our help
As a fellow flood recovery volunteer, I witnessed Mark do what not many were capable of doing. He worked tirelessly and selflessly all the way up until his recent car accident. His saved countless lives and has helped rebuild many homes and will continue to support the community until it returns back to a liveable state. I’ve never seen such dedication, care and generosity.
“Mark would take the shirt of his back for most” - Amanda Weir
Mark is the Australian of the decade” - Dave Oneegs
“Mark has been front and centre when it came to rescuing HUNDREDS of flood victims” - Louis from the Freedom Movement
It’s our time to now give back to Mark. Whether that’s in a form of a donation, a meal or a helping hand. He is a single father of 4 and the donations will go towards purchasing a new ute, rehabilitation and creating a home that’s conducive to healing and repair. Right now his home is still at a skeletal phase and has been too busy helping everyone else build their home.
I wish I was down there to help you.