Hello all, my name is Jordan Heywood (24 years old), I was born in the UK but I have lived in Australia for 12+ years now
I'd like to preface this with the immense hesitation I feel about asking others for their hard-earned money, but I feel this is my last option.
When I was 14, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor on my cerebellum, from which my left side has very little functionality (I always drop things and have tremors). Thankfully, the tumor was benign and removed, but this was not before my parents had to take unpaid care of me 24/7 for several months. Roughly 4 years later, just when I thought life was good, I began to experience intense wheezing and shortness of breath. Consequently, after being rushed to an accident and emergency, it was confirmed that I had widespread Hodgkin's lymphoma. In all honestly, the results were not what hit me that hardest, it was the sadness and devastation painted on my parent's faces that I may lose my life, the image of which lives in my head 24/7.
I went through 2 years of chemo, many of which my body rejected. Until I was offered immunotherapy, which worked but only slowed the aggression of the cancer down. After the diagnosis and failed chemo/immunotherapy attempts, I was offered a stem cell transplant (in fact the first umbilical cord transplant done in my state). Thankfully, it worked, but four weeks ago I tried ending my life, which I sincerely regret, but most importantly I regret what I've put my parents through in the process, without them, I would have been buried in the ground many years ago.
Hence the reason for this post, I would love to be able to give back to my parents, they have sacrifices so much money, time, their own lives, to keep me here.
Lastly, I'd like to thank anyone that not only donates, but reads my story and understands cancer is a b*tch, not just on you, but those that love you. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you all so much for reading, and hope you are doing well!