I am 54 year old from Brisbane who was pensioned off in 2017 due to cancer which I had received radiation and chemotherapy for which killed the cancer then I had an operation to remove scarring tissues at the P.A.3 months ago i had some ct scans done before having a another operation to remove A hernia my doctor came and saw me telling me he had to do more test due to looking like my cancer had returned. It was confirmed that my cancer was back and had spread into my lymph nodes and was given 7-12 months maximum so I am now trying to raise funds to help with my medical bills and medication and to help cover the costs of my funeral as I don’t want to leave it up to my wife due to being married 35 years and I really am trying to make everything easier for her. I have come ti terms with every thing and alll I am now focused on is taking care of what ican before I pass away so Tracey my wife doesn’t have to deal with all of the arrangements and so we can spend as much time together as we can any donation ti help would be highly appreciated. The government disability pension doesn’t pay us much as well as Tracey getting careers allowance as Ian needing 24 hour care