Help Jenna Mae Tice's Family Get Restarted 2023

$15,797 raised

TARGET $25,000

Please support this cause



Hi. Jenna died midday Sunday 13 Nov 2022. Her funeral service was held at the Kaitaia Kingdom Hall in NZ 11am Sat 19 Nov 2022. Local brother Sid Greaves did a beautiful job of the service.
This page has been updated completely other than a few pictures we will add in over the next few days. Please check the Sunday 13 Nov 2022 UPDATE and message from Stephen.

Jenna Mae Crisp. Born on the Gold Coast, Australia. She was only seven years old when her mum Julia, lost a short savage battle with cancer. Jenna was brought up by her Aunty Raewyn. Raewyn moved them back to her home town, Kaitaia, New Zealand. Way up north! Beautiful spot and Jenna's grandparents nearby.
She’s a “coastie” girl though and came back to Australia as a teenager. This was after winning a bursary to study back here at Griffith University, Logan. A couple of years later, she met Stephen Tice from New Zealand at one of our families weddings. She went back there, married him.
Now, three young children later, our beautiful Jenna faced, but lost a massive battle with cancer. Surgeons removed a huge part of her colon, bowel. Bowel cancer. It metastacised - but spread to her liver, lungs.
Chemotherapy was started but failed and they decided to stop all treatment to maximise her quality of life. Jenna, Stephen, and their three children, live way up north in Kaitaia, NZ.
Thanks to the help and support of family, friends and the congregation, they completed enough changes to allow her to function, come home and spend what time she had watching and being with her husband and children. and try to be a mum, a wife, a young woman. The main bathroom is finished enough with some minor works to complete, then paint. Few walls to go, to finish off. A local brother who was helping on those works lost his young daughter Ava, 17yo(?) a week ago following a long battle with health.
Friends have offered their time. It was decided to hold the rest of the works so Jenna and the family could have some peace at this time and not be in a total construction zone. Money raised has paid for the materials and some trade works to be done. There is much more to be done just to make the home safe.

We started raising funds so they have options. Thank you for making some of those possible so Jenna could die as she wished, at home. Jenna is confident that just as many were there to help her grow after the loss of her mum, these many, including Rae, especially from her spiritual family will look out for Stephen, Mikaela, Reuben and Ben, to finish what they started.

Stephen chose to quit his job as he knew it will fall to him going forward and is not a task he wants to delegate. He just wants some help. They are home schooled .. we have a number of tasks to change moving forward and to make the home functional for the near future.

We will come back to everyone about that soon. For now, we just wanted to update you all. We also wanted to say what a wonderful and selfless job Stephen has done at great emotional cost, sleepless weeks. Now Jenna sleeps, maybe he can contemplate that too, soon hopefully. Stephens's mum .. what a wonderful job she has done filling in like a wonder woman powered by love.
We will always love Raewyn for helping Jenna to be the person she has become. Jenna, so different to Raewyn in many ways, but so alike in other ways. Strong willed, I mean really strong willed! She is so capable, smart, loving and loveable, our beautiful Jenna.

We can't fix some things but those of us who love her want to empower her family moving forward, in what will be a year to forget in some ways but that will strengthen them all in others.

If you can help, why not do something that will make a huge difference to an entire family.

This is a shocking world in so many respects. They knew, we all knew, there are no guarantees. As I said previously, Jenna believes in a loving creator, a grand and almighty God who sees her and now who remembers her. She talked to him, not always for herself, but for her children, her husband, her aunty who has fought this battle before with Julia. She hopes in Him. In your prayers, please if you could, include Jenna, Stephen, Mikayla, Reuben and Benjamin, Raewyn, Julia and all those around her who have loved her all along.

How can you help?
We set a goal to raise $25,000. Things are expensive in Kaitaia. Double to triple what it is in OZ. No super ozzy Bunnings here. Everything has to be trucked in and that got harder after the National Highway One just south of Kaitaia got totally washed away (permanently). We will after the dust settles put some urgent works and equipment in place, to reduce the stress, to let them focus on whats in front of them for now.
They will continue with urgent changes needed at home and a small fund to help with the day to day living costs over the next few months. Those costs are relentless, relentless. Things like, the car needs to be maintained and serviced. The kids are young and growing and, well you know they have tough days ahead. They need stuff ... for school, for growing up.

If you can donate $10 -20, great. If you were planning on a 3 week holiday, could you maybe do 2 weeks and donate the value of that last week. Just an idea, but I think you will sleep well or sleep better for the week that you sacrifice. This is a family who will appreciate whatever you do.

Using this platform and a live blog and links helps in two important areas.

This process means you can help financially using a simple process. This is so they don't have to ask or explain or check their accounts or worry about errors or explain appearing funds to anyone just now. They are not up to it for now. This platform will do it for them.
We are also going to keep you up to date through the updates. Check the UPDATES link or page. Just updating everyone in person has proved emotionally draining and overwhelming. Overwhelming is the word, to explain the current and unfolding situation as it happens. To explain it once is hard. To do it over and over again. It's not, that they don't want to. Sometimes, it's that they can't.

Thank you to everyone who helped and continue to do so with meals, works, hugs, prayers, money, love, tears. Kaitaia congregation .. amazing. To Jenna and Stephens friends there in Kaitaia and all around, Thank You. Everything you have all done has been noticed, even the little things.

Bathroom is 90% done! Pretty amazing, looks awesome, ... other brothers are doing stuff on the house to help finish off walls and other needy things around the house. Stephens dad completed the plumbing too.
A huge huge, huge thank you, weighted with lots and lots of love for helping to make most of this happen in a timely fashion.
Hopefully another week or two and some help and it won't look like a construction site inside the house. Precious weeks ahead.
Erin, Alex, Kiri went to Kaitaia NZ on Wednesday 12 Oct 2022. Christine and I were two weeks behind them. Stephen and Jenna and close family had a trip to Auckland with the help of the "Bald Angels" charitable foundation for "around" the 20th of October. They did the "Sky Tower" and "Rainbows End Park" plus ... in a short time frame... visiting her aunty down there. It came at a cost, but Jenna and Stephen felt it was worth it.
.... "we love you all" from Jenna and Stephen.
Loving greetings to you all from us all, and thank you, thank you, for your support and prayers. Paul Tareha.

SCAM Alert or protection. You can check with me, or a close family friend or please use the contact details provided on this platform to enquire and to satisfy yourself about the details and genuineness of this campaign. We had to jump through a few hurdles ourselves, but it is also the reason we chose "" as a platform to provide a safe means to achieve our purpose.

Fundraising For

Jenna Tice

Funds Banked To

Stephen Tice

Campaign Creator

Tareha Family


Thu, 22 Dec 2022


$ 150
Thu, 8 Dec 2022


$ 50
Thu, 24 Nov 2022

Jenny Tuhoro

$ 100

Just know youxare continually in our thoughts and prayers.

Thu, 24 Nov 2022


$ 30
Tue, 22 Nov 2022

Sheryl & Family

$ 70
Mon, 21 Nov 2022


$ 30
Fri, 18 Nov 2022

Graham Smith

$ 200

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all

Fri, 18 Nov 2022


$ 20
Thu, 17 Nov 2022

Kelly Bornt

$ 50

I didn’t know Jenna in person but we followed each other on IG and FB. She inspired me as a Mom not only in homeschooling but in creative ways to teach my kids the truth. I will miss her from my social feeds but look forward to meeting her IRL .. just around the corner.

Tue, 15 Nov 2022

Karyn Driscoll

$ 100

I am a fellow homeschool mum in Australia and Jenna has been getting my assembly Books for the kids for years. We follow each other on instagram. It breaks my heart to hear about this. My thoughts are with the family.

SINCE Aug 2022



$15,797 raised

TARGET $25,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Jenna Tice

Funds Banked To

Stephen Tice

Campaign Creator

Tareha Family


SINCE Aug 2022

