On the 19th of September 2018 I crushed my left hand in a work place injury, I shattered my left ring finger into 14 pieces and dislocated the finger as well as snapping my metacarpal in half. I had surgery placing plates and screws in my hand, 3 weeks after my surgery i developed Complex Regional Pain Syndrome CRPS a debilitating pain condition that is the highest known pain level on the McGill Pain Scale. In the months after surgery and years now I still have CRPS and will most likely have it for life. I need to have my ring finger amputated due to it not bending at all after surgery, be that due to the plate or the crps itself it is something that has been spoken about with orthopaedic surgeons, the cost for my original surgery was over $46000 in 2018 so I would expect an amputation and removal of plates surgery to be atleast that much, unfortunately I have to cover that surgery out of my own pocket, and after paying lawyer fees and having centrelink claim some of the compensation money I received I had enough money to purchase a property in the hopes I could afford to move there to not have the cost of living expense such as rent power etc, I am suffering depression because of my situation and keep on having bad luck with vehicles and just everything in general, I am 25 and want to be able to support my wife and someday have a family, if my hand is corrected I may have a chance of working through the pain and rebuilding my left arms muscle mass after its depletion from lack of use due to the finger not bending and having crps pain that has spread from my hand all up my arm and into my shoulder. My shoulder drops out of joint all the time as result of this and I'm hoping I can repair it without surgery if it isn't already too late. I don't have high hopes of this working or of much of anything going my way and maybe that's just because of being depressed or maybe that's from having such bad luck since injuring my hand, I also cannot claim any kind of centrelink benefit until July 2023 so I have no income at all, only the one wage from my wife supporting us.
I have attached photos of original injury, xray picture and a photo of my hand showing the ring finger the way it is when making a fist.