Children from the orphanage in Kherson (Ukraine) were forced to leave the building of the orphanage due to bombing and shelling by the Russian army. Due to military operations in the Kherson region, supply was disrupted. Roads are blocked or shelled, food is delivered rarely and in insufficient quantities. Because of this, there is a lack of food in the city, prices for it have increased three to five times.
Currently, the children and staff of the orphanage have moved to a safer place, but they cannot leave Kherson due to hostilities. This is about 60 orphans aged 0 to 5 years. They are located in an unsuitable room and lack everything necessary: food, medicine, clothing, diapers, etc.
All collected funds are sent directly to volunteers on the spot who buy food and other necessary things for children.
Any donation, big or small, would be greatly appreciated!