Aura Jade Birthday

$50 raised

TARGET $10,000

Please support this cause



Aura Jade Bell is my beautiful daughter, who has just lost everything in the floods in Gympie. Her 19th birthday is coming up, and what a perfect way to celebrate her birthday than to know people care, and to help her rebuild after this tragedy. Any amount can help, and I know she will appreciate it. This is a birthday fundraiser, so please help if you can. To an 18 year old, losing everything can be devistating, and she needs this help her and her partner can move forward.

Thank you all...

Fundraising For

Aura Jade Bell

Funds Banked To

Daniel Bell

Campaign Creator

Daniel Bell

Maryborough, QLD

Wed, 2 Mar 2022

Dave R

$ 50

SINCE Mar 2022



$50 raised

TARGET $10,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Aura Jade Bell

Funds Banked To

Daniel Bell

Campaign Creator

Daniel Bell

Maryborough, QLD

SINCE Mar 2022

