Family & Domestic Violence Awareness

$4,640 raised

TARGET $1,500

Please support this cause



With the impacts of the COVID-19 driving up the severity and frequency of domestic and family violence (DFV) cases – urgent action is needed to disrupt the cycle of this insidious and unrelenting social issue.

Since 2001, Challenge DV has been working to prevent DFV by partnering with government departments and businesses, like Unitywater, to deliver workplace training programs and empowering workplaces to be part of the solution.

In addition to this, Challenge DV also facilitates a partnership program matching generous businesses or government departments with hardworking front-line shelters and refuges.

Finally, Challenge DV is proud to host events that shine a light on domestic and family violence and unite a community no longer able to accept violence or abuse of any kind.

Your generous donation will go towards DFV prevention and help create the social change needed to keep our daughters, sisters, sons, friends, colleagues, and neighbours safe.

I'm raising funds for


Challenge DV

Our vision is to create a world without domestic and family violence. Formerly Australia's CEO Challenge, Challenge DV has been partnering with Australian businesses since 2001. Our proven Workplace Prevention Program empowers businesses to be part of the solution. We help develop workplace policy a

About Fundraiser



Mon, 8 Nov 2021


$ 2320

Unitywater is extremely proud to support Challenge DV and the great work they do in shining the light on family and domestic violence.

Thu, 28 Oct 2021

Unitywater Trivia Challenge Entry Fees

$ 800

Great turnout to the Unitywater Trivia Challenge! Thanks for all the kin donations on entry.

Wed, 27 Oct 2021

Scott Krause

$ 20
Wed, 27 Oct 2021

Gary West

$ 20
Wed, 27 Oct 2021

Ian Wynnes

$ 50
Wed, 27 Oct 2021

Scott Fellowes

$ 20
Wed, 27 Oct 2021


$ 250
Wed, 27 Oct 2021

Samantha liddelow

$ 50
Wed, 27 Oct 2021


$ 10
Wed, 27 Oct 2021

Nick Cutting

$ 150

SINCE Oct 2021



$4,640 raised

TARGET $1,500

Please support this cause


I'm raising funds for


Challenge DV

Our vision is to create a world without domestic and family violence. Formerly Australia's CEO Challenge, Challenge DV has been partnering with Australian businesses since 2001. Our proven Workplace Prevention Program empowers businesses to be part of the solution. We help develop workplace policy a

About Fundraiser



SINCE Oct 2021

