Help my son to recover

$0 raised

TARGET $50,000

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I was coming from prayer with my 3 sons in the night, we had an badly accident, we all were injured and taken to the hospital, unfortunately my one son got badly injured and got Traumatic brain injury, he got cracks on his head skull, and blood spilled in his brain. Within an hour Doctors did the major surgery and opened his head to low down his brain swelling for hole week. They set up a camera to check the progress of brain. After one week doctors surgery again to close the head, its take more then 100 stitches on my son head he is just 14 years old. He stayed more then 10 days in ICU and more then one month in hospital.

Doctors said he need more then two years to recover and get well, he need many months of Behavior therapy, speech therapy, physical and occupational therapy for recover.
It was very panful time for my whole family, specially for the parents. My family asking you to help.
Your donations will be greatly appreciated.

Fundraising For

Mirza Baig

Funds Banked To

Mirza Baig

Campaign Creator

Mirza Baig


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SINCE Sep 2021



$0 raised

TARGET $50,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Mirza Baig

Funds Banked To

Mirza Baig

Campaign Creator

Mirza Baig


SINCE Sep 2021

