Gavin and Karen are gearing up for their next big journey, serving country churches!
$460 raised
TARGET $30,000
Please support this cause
Help Gavin and Karen Stuckey Travel and Support Rural Communities.
Make a difference and help Gavin and Karen Stuckey get back on the road and visit rural communities around Australia. Support their mission of providing resources, materials, and mental health support to those living and working in rural areas. Your donation will help make their dream of purchasing a van with a bathroom a reality.
Karen has been visiting communities and churches for years. Encouraging and checking up on the mental health of those working in rural areas. She also supplies resources, materials and giving of her time.
Due to covid, they've sold the very old van 'Bessie' to someone who needed a room. Now the hunt is on for a newer van with a bathroom, to make life easier when travelling in rural areas.
Keep up the great work that you are doing Karen