Help Marco publish and promote his book.

$0 raised

TARGET $5,000

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Marco wrote this book in 2020, to help add some Funny and Ironic humour to other peoples lives as Marco saw a need to entertain others whilst struggling with boredom. Marco struggles with depression and finds the best way to feel good is to amuse others with funny stories.

Marco has put a lot of heart and passion into this book and would like the opportunity to see others enjoy his Funny, Ironic, Amazing, Happy and Feel Good stories.

Please help Marco raise money to help publish and sell his book to achieve some financial independence. Marco is currently on a disability pension and is with the NDIS.

Marco's dream is to see his book in print in a bookshop window. Marco looks forward to hearing people talk about his book at parties and functions laughing at the ironic humour.

Fundraising For

Marco Di Noia

Funds Banked To

Marco Di Noia


Campaign Creator

Funny and Ironic Amazing Happy and Feel Good Stories by Marco Dinoia

Telopea, NSW

Be the first to donate to this cause!

SINCE Aug 2021



$0 raised

TARGET $5,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Marco Di Noia

Funds Banked To

Marco Di Noia


Campaign Creator

Funny and Ironic Amazing Happy and Feel Good Stories by Marco Dinoia

Telopea, NSW

SINCE Aug 2021

