Hunter arrived in care a month ago now incredibly skinny, no veterinary care and with worms.
He spent a few weeks gaining weight, exploring and growing his confidence in a wonderful foster home. It didn’t take long until he proved to be such a gorgeous and loyal pup. The day befor Hunter was planned to head off to his forever home he was playing with his 45kg dog foster brother and we only assume in their wrestle Hunter has been hurt. We took him straight to the vet were they did xrays and couldn’t find a break, after 4 days with no improvement his vet contacted the specialist and they recommended taking a differentview under a general anaesthetic to make sure the fracture wasn’t hiding. Sure enough there it was this stoic, gentle, brave and sweet pup had broken his leg. Hunters leg requires surgical intervention at a specialist vet who has quoted us between $3000-$3500. With his current vet bill at about $750 for his xrays and pain relief it is quickly adding up. We have been told surgery will give hunter the best possible outcome and we just have to try.
Our small rescue really needs your help, we have almost 12k Facebook followers if only a quarter donated a dollar Hunters surgery would be covered
we know times are incredibly difficult at the moment and understand not everyone is in a position to financially donate, but if you could please share we would be so appreciative of any help we could get.
merry Christmas Hunter boy