project Philippines Australia Inc, is seeking sponsorship to support local School in remote areas in the Philippines Especially during these time of pandemic many families and Children are affected. We knock on your heart to sponsor helping us to continue supporting people in need. like Albert I am Albert D. Hisoler, School Principal of Dumalogdog Elementary School, one of the remote public elementary schools in Sindangan, Zamboanga Del Norte, Philippines. I would like to request for assistance through adopt a school program. We are shifting to Modular Distance Learning in the opening of classes in August, 2020. The school is very much willing to implement the new system of conducting classes however we have apprehensions that this might not work well for us due to some technical aspect. We lack the resources for printing. We don't have printers / photocopier to be used for the reproduction of materials. The school has a total enrolment of 256 learners. We are appealing to you to please help us look for sponsors or donors for printers, photocopiers or laptops for the development of our self learning modules or alternative delivery modules. Please feedback through Anna McDougall at or contact me through my Mobile 042529572 . Thank you and God bless.