Supporting Diabetes

$165 raised

TARGET $1,000

Please support this cause



Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects a tremendous amount of people. This diabetes week the Body Fit Training Town Hall team wanted to help do their part and raise money towards the cause. With members who have both type 1 and type 2 diabetes it made perfect sense that one of our charity events this year would be to support and raise funds for diabetes.

On Friday the 17th of July we ran an event at Body Fit Training Town Hall in order to raise money for the charity. It consisted of competitions, raffles and much more.

Would massively appreciate your support to reach our goal by donating now.

Below are some facts about how diabetes affects the nation, showing how important it is to raise money and act on the cause.

Diabetes is the epidemic of the 21st century and the biggest challenge confronting Australia’s health system. Around 1.7 million Australians have diabetes. This includes all types of diagnosed diabetes (1.2 million known and registered) as well as silent, undiagnosed type 2 diabetes (up to 500,000 estimated).

*280 Australians develop diabetes every day. That’s one person every five minutes

*It is the fastest growing chronic condition in Australia

*More than 100,000 Australians have developed diabetes in the past year

*For every person diagnosed with diabetes there is usually a family member or carer who also ‘lives with diabetes’ every day in a support role. This means that an estimated 2.4 million Australians are affected by diabetes every day

*In 2013, diabetes caused 5.1 million deaths globally.

Body Fit Training Town Hall

I'm raising funds for

My Cause Gift Fund for Diabetes Australia

Funds donated to the My Cause Gift Fund will be disbursed to Diabetes Australia. The trustees will always disburse funds to the nominated cause, however in the case that that is not possible, the funds will be disbursed to a DGR charity at the trustees discretion.


About Fundraiser

Body Fit Training Town Hall

Town Hall, NSW

Fri, 24 Jul 2020

Aileen Yadao

$ 60

Great cause, keep up the good work team!

Fri, 24 Jul 2020

Whitney Garrett

$ 15

Well done guys!

Mon, 20 Jul 2020

Tina Brook

$ 30
Mon, 20 Jul 2020

Emma B x

$ 30
Mon, 20 Jul 2020

Stephanie Gatt

$ 30

SINCE Jul 2020



$165 raised

TARGET $1,000

Please support this cause


I'm raising funds for

My Cause Gift Fund for Diabetes Australia

Funds donated to the My Cause Gift Fund will be disbursed to Diabetes Australia. The trustees will always disburse funds to the nominated cause, however in the case that that is not possible, the funds will be disbursed to a DGR charity at the trustees discretion.

About Fundraiser

Body Fit Training Town Hall

Town Hall, NSW

SINCE Jul 2020

